Chapter 17: Paths to Healing

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In the old Team 7 training ground, Sakura, Sasuke, and Kakashi confronted the weight of their past actions. The air was heavy with guilt and regret as they acknowledged how they had caused Naruto so much pain.

Sakura took a deep breath and broke the uneasy silence.

Sakura: "We've all caused Naruto so much pain..."

Sasuke nodded, his gaze softening as they remembered the moments they had abandoned Naruto, tried to break their bonds, and hurt their friend.

In a sudden flashback, Kakashi's memories resurfaced. Years ago, during the Sasuke Retrieval Mission, Naruto had fought relentlessly to bring Sasuke back from the darkness. Their confrontation had attracted the attention of Danzo and his ANBU enforcers.

Danzo had intended to capture Naruto for his own purposes, and shockingly, Sasuke had decided to side with Danzo in that moment. Naruto fought valiantly against insurmountable odds, using every ounce of his strength to protect his bond with Sasuke.

From a distance, Kakashi had watched the tumultuous battle unfold. He had come with the intent of joining Danzo's side, believing it was for the greater good, even if it meant capturing Naruto. But as he witnessed Naruto's unwavering resolve, he was reminded of his late sensei, the Fourth Hokage, and the lessons he had imparted.

Kakashi's heart wavered. He saw the indomitable spirit in Naruto, the same spirit that had once inspired him to become a better ninja. With a heavy heart, he abandoned his original intent and chose not to intervene.

The flashback ended, and Kakashi returned to the present, his expression filled with regret.

Kakashi: "I couldn't save Naruto that day. I watched him fight for the bonds we share, and I did nothing to help. It's a decision I've regretted ever since."

Sakura and Sasuke remained silent, each lost in their own thoughts, realizing the pain they'd caused Naruto and the long road ahead to mend those wounds.

Naruto had returned to the Sand Village, his spirit utterly broken, with Hinata's lifeless body cradled in his arms. The weight of her loss, combined with the guilt and grief, had drained him of all strength. As he walked the streets with his burden, the villagers watched in solemn silence, offering their condolences with respectful nods.

In the midst of this mournful procession, word quickly spread that Naruto had returned. Gaara, the Kazekage himself, received the news. He knew that Naruto was not just a fellow ninja but a close friend, and the news of Hinata's death weighed heavily on him.

Without hesitation, Gaara made his way through the quiet streets, seeking Naruto's location. His steps were swift, and his presence seemed to command the attention of all who saw him.

And then, at the moment when Naruto least expected it, he saw Gaara approaching. His mouth moved to say something, to call out his friend's name, but the sound that escaped his lips was a mere whisper, and his vision faded as his battered body finally gave in to exhaustion.

Naruto collapsed to the ground, his world plunged into darkness, as Gaara arrived just in time to catch him before he fell. The weight of Naruto's sorrow had proven too much for him to bear alone.

After One Week:

one week had passed since Naruto's return to the Sand Village. He remained in his room, lifeless and unresponsive. Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro stood outside the closed door, their concern deepening with each passing day.

Gaara knew that forcing Naruto to heal was not an option. He had to give his friend time to come to terms with his grief and find a way back from the abyss of darkness that had consumed him.

With determination, Gaara pushed open the door and entered the room. Naruto sat on the edge of the bed, his gaze still fixed on the wall, but the emptiness in his eyes seemed to have deepened.

Gaara placed a gentle hand on Naruto's shoulder, his voice filled with concern.

Gaara: "Naruto..."

There was still no response.

Gaara turned to his siblings, his resolve unwavering.

Gaara: "We will continue to be patient and support him. When he's ready, we'll be here to help him find his way back."

Temari and Kankuro nodded, standing by their Kazekage and their friend in this difficult time. Naruto's journey to healing had just begun, and it was a path they would walk together, no matter how long it took.

Just as siblings left the room, from the window a voice

Voice:"Hello Naruto"

Naruto:Hey Yami !

Yami:Hey Naruto crying baby

Naruto(Angry):Shut the hell Up, Mr nobody,at least people like me

Yami in corner crying with sapphire patting his back

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