Chapter11: The Unpredictable Return

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The members of the Rookie 10 arrived in Hokage Tsunade's office, their faces marked by a mixture of fatigue, disappointment, and confusion.

Tsunade: "Report," she commanded.

When they gathered before her, Shikamaru, as the team leader, began their report.

Shikamaru: "Hokage-sama, we've returned from our mission to assist Gaara and the Sand Village against the Akatsuki. When we arrived at the battlefield, the match was already over. Naruto had already defeated the Akatsuki members, and Kazekage Gaara was displeased with us entering his lands. Hinata also left with Naruto."

Tsunade listened attentively as Shikamaru continued, describing their late arrival at the battlefield and Naruto's single-handed defeat of the Akatsuki members.

Tsunade: "Naruto..." she muttered, clearly shocked by his involvement.

Shikamaru: "Yes, Hokage-sama. It seems he still holds a grudge against all of us."

Just as the weight of the situation settled in the room, a messenger suddenly burst into the office

Messenger: "Hokage-sama, my apologies for the interruption, but the council is demanding your immediate presence."

Tsunade's expression tightened, a mixture of frustration and resignation.

Tsunade: "Very well, I'll be there shortly."

As Hokage Tsunade entered the meeting room and took her seat, the council members turned their attention to her with eager anticipation.

Council Member 1: "What is the report of the mission, Hokage-sama?"

Tsunade took a deep breath and proceeded to provide a detailed account of the mission. She described how the members of the Rookie 10 had been dispatched to assist Kazekage Gaara against the Akatsuki threat. Her words painted a vivid picture of the events that had transpired, from their arrival in the Sand Village to the unexpected turn of events.

She mentioned how Gaara had been displeased with their presence and how Naruto, the rogue ninja from Konoha, had already intervened in the situation. Tsunade's voice grew somber as she revealed that Naruto had not only been present but had also defeated the Akatsuki members single-handedly. The shock in the council members' eyes was palpable.

Council Member 2: "Naruto... was there?"

Council Member 3: (with a hint of hope) "Could it be that he still holds some love for the village? Perhaps we can recruit him back. Our betrayal was too much, but he is a good soul."

Tsunade continued her report, mentioning the cold and distant behavior displayed by Naruto and the departure of Hinata, another esteemed Konoha shinobi, with him. The weight of the failure, Naruto's actions, and the departure of two prominent villagers left a heavy silence in the room.

Council Member 1: "This... changes everything."

Tsunade nodded solemnly, knowing that the village's future had become even more uncertain in the wake of these revelations.

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