1: Finally, the Painting

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"Tomorrow's the day," Kaeya sighed with a smile.
"Oh brother," Rosaria rolled her eyes. "Even Venti isn't that corny when he drinks."
Kaeya frowned as he sat up a little straighter, "it isn't corny... I'm allowed to express myself..."
"It is if you're sighing every single minute!" She shook her head, but a smile was tugging at her lips.
"What's got you so happy?" Diluc asked casually as he discreetly moved Kaeya's glass farther away from the cavalry captain.
Kaeya sighed once again, "today is a very special day..."
"Are you finally proposing?" He asked with an actual smile on his face.
Kaeya faltered, "Diluc... you're smiling..."
The wine master frowned deeply, "so you aren't? Don't you think it's about time."
Kaeya hesitated, "well, yes... I plan to... It's just, you know how Albedo doesn't really see *anything* as romantic... I can't think of a good time..."
Rosaria answered Diluc's previous question for Kaeya, "Albedo's finally going to do that painting of Kaeya."
"Hm?" He tilted his head to one side.
Kaeya shook his head, "it's hard to explain without showing you the sketches. It's been like a year since he first asked me to model for it. And before you say anything: no, it is not a nude portrait." He folded his arms and pouted.
Diluc snorted, "too bad, that seems like the kind of thing you'd want him to see."
Rosaria choked on her drink, trying not to laugh so hard.
"Diluc!!!" Kaeya exclaimed, his face getting much redder than it already was.
"What? It's true, isn't it?" He wore a cheeky smile.
Kaeya sat back, "no, it isn't."
"Sure," his brother shrugged. "Getting back on topic, if Albedo doesn't see anything you do as romantic and he still feels romantically towards you, maybe he thinks *everything* you do is affectionate? Why not just ask him to marry you? I mean, it's not like he's going to say no after all you've been through. *And* you're already engaged."
Rosaria finally stopped giggling, "Klee wants it to happen, and you *know* that she always gets what she wants."
Kaeya groaned as he laid his head on the bar, "I just don't know what to say..."
Rosaria rolled her eyes, "really? Kaeya Alberich, master of charm, suavest of men, doesn't know what to say? I don't buy it."
Kaeya sighed forlornly, "maybe after he's done painting me I'll find the right moment... or something..."
"There you go," Rosaria pat him on the head.
Kaeya closed his eyes, "I... can I say something?..."
"Go for it," she shrugged.
Kaeya turned his head to look at Diluc.
The redhead shrugged, "I'm not gonna stop you."
Kaeya took a long, tired breath in, "I can't help but feel like everything is my fault..."
"... what do you mean?" Rosaria asked, instantly remembering the moment Albedo had died in Kaeya's arms. Everyone was so shocked when, not even a month later, Kaeya returned from Dragonspine with Albedo and his family in tow.
"It's all... connected to Khaenri'ah... and that's where my ancestors lived..." Kaeya closed his eyes.
Rosaria sighed heavily, "Kaeya, you need to sober up. Just because some dude a long time ago was born in Khaenri'ah, doesn't mean you have any real ties to it. Like you've said before, family is who you choose to love."
"I said that?..." Kaeya looked at her in surprise.
"I think so?" She looked over at Diluc.
Diluc shook his head, "don't look at me, I don't know. That sounds like something Venti would say."
"Speaking of, where *is* he?" Rosaria looked around. The tavern was deserted, but that's because it was so late at night.
Diluc leaned his arms on the bar, "who knows with him? I can't believe he revealed himself to be the Anemo Archon and expects us to keep that a secret without any sort of payment."
"I honestly can't believe he's anything more than a lazy drunkard who can't sing." Rosaria took a drink of her wine.
Kaeya eyed her glass, then looked around, "hey, where'd mine go?"
"Shouldn't you be sleeping instead of drinking?" Diluc, who had hidden his brother's glass away, asked. "What time are you and Albedo meeting?"
"It's not early or anything," Kaeya explained, "but I don't think I'll be getting much sleep anyways... I feel incredibly nervous..."
"Why?" Both Diluc and Rosaria asked at the same time.
"I really wish you guys would stop doing that," Kaeya sighed as he pulled himself up to sit correctly. He crossed his legs, "I'm nervous because I've never... done it before. I don't do new things all that often..."
"Understandable." Rosaria nodded. "But think about the end result. You've seen Albedo's skills."
"True..." he sighed as he laid back down. "I just don't know if I'll be able to stay still for long enough..."
"You can do it," Rosaria said in her monotone voice as she lifted her glass to her lips.
"I don't know," Diluc chuckled, "Kaeya's always been so full of energy. But despite that, he still sits on his bum all day."
"Hey," Kaeya frowned, "I'm right here, you know."
"So you are." He smiled, "you should be in bed."
Kaeya grumbled, "this is bullyism."
Rosaria laughed, "uh-huh, sure!"

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