5.Devil's Den

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Sunlight caressed yn's face , she lazily opened her eyes straighting her posture on the bed.

She lifted her gaze and she saw the devil
The darkness engulfed her. Her was in her throat.She ain't getting any oxygen. There's no way she could breathe properly in his presence.

 There's no way she could breathe properly in his presence

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Her stomach churned fear rising in her chest .
She was inside a dark room with an large ornate bed. His eyes was still on her piercing into her soul. He was now standing at the edge of the bed.

She crawled back on the bed.
Why was she here? What happened last night ?Did he kidnapped her ?
She wanted to ask these questions but no words are leaving from her mouth .

He gazed her up to down his jaw tightened.
She was infront of him in his bed.In those tiny pieces of clothes she called pajamas .Looking like a meal waiting to be devoured by him.

Jungkook-"Crawl to me"

If not him then His alarming voice would definitely kill her one day . She didn't moved.

Jungkook-" i won't repeat my words"

She was still.
He began taking steps closer to her.

Jungkook- "what did i tell u"

He was looming over her body. There was no space to move away her head fell on the bed and he kept moving closer.

Yn-"don't..... don't hurt me"
Her throat dried when he hold it in his firm grip . She knew it's gonna leave its marks on her skin for days.

Jungkook-" i warned u "
Yn-"please leave... it's hurting" she begged her breathing ragged.

His palms went to either side of her head on the sheets as he bent until his face was inches to her . She could feel the heat of his skin on her .

 She could feel the heat of his skin on her

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Yn- plea... please... don't..t...h. .hurt me
Jungkook- Say that again and I'm going to put all the bullets of my gun inside your mouth .
He growled making her to tremble .

If she was afraid before, then now her soul left her body. Her lips thinned in a line . No single words utter from her small mouth again.

Those threats weren't dry.
The dangerous orbs and tightness in his voice were the proves.

She looked into his eyes with her teared one while biting her lips. His dark piercing eyes literally giving her chills.

He moved his face down to her cleavage .
His warm breathe fanned against her sensitive skin. She hissed when his lips traced her skin on the Crook of her neck. Her eyes widen.

She tried to push him by his shoulders but he didn't move an inch

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

She tried to push him by his shoulders but he didn't move an inch.
Yn- what r u.... Aahhhh!!
He bite her again this time with more intensity he pulled the skin of her neck with his teeth as he chewed it harshly. He growned in satisfaction.

Yn-"leave me...what are u doing....Aahhh" her voice cracked voice.She again tried to push him.

Jungkook-"One more movement and I'll cut your hands down right here, getting rid of them permanently so that they can never interrupt when I'm having you beneath me... and also (he moved closer to her ears)...when I'll be deeply buried inside you and f*cking you for hours."

He wishpered dangerously.He sucked her earlobe and bite her there.Before removing her hands from his shoulder

s and pinned it either side of her.

A slightest smrink touch his lips when he looked at her . Her body was stiff her eyes were widen and slightly red . Lips apart .
Panting breathes.

Jungkook-"That's how you should behave when I'm around."
"Did you imagined your hands gone ?"
"Orr ....did you imagined how you'll take me when I'm buried deep inside you wreaking that fragile part of yours mercilessly"His voice was as deep as black hole dark and dangerous!!

At that moment she felt paralysed. Her brain wasn't functioning at all. She wasn't able to move after what the devil said.

Jungkook grip around her hand loosen. He gazed shamelessly on her body making her feel disgusted she was trembling of what he's gonna do next she can't even move her head how is she gonna fight with the devil.

Suddenly she felt cold Breeze on her skin as she looked upto him he straightened his posture and now standing towering her breathless figure.

Jungkook-"The rules are simple don't disobey me or see the hell"

She was just staring at him. Breathless,Scared, Disturbed!! By what had just happened seconds ago .
They hold an intense eye contact for few minutes before she heard the door nob sound.

He left .
Leaving her as a mess in the bed.
Her breath came back to normal but panicked again when realisation hit her.

Where was she ?
What is this place ?
Why is she here ?
Who is he ? An evil spirit who consume every amount of light where he stands?

Anxiety hit her harder.
Tears formed in her eyes again.

She looked outside of the window dark forest ,tall trees it looked haunted.

What was happening?
Was this a dream but the burning pain on the Crook of her neck stated that this wasn't a nightmare... IT'S WORST THAN THAT !!


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