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Exiting from the college bidding goodbyes to her only bestfriend Lara.
She headed towards her car . Long black hair, milky pale skin , A beige dress till her knees she hold the elegance of a princess.

Her driver waiting for her at a distance from her college enterance so that she can't even see his facial features properly

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Her driver waiting for her at a distance from her college enterance so that she can't even see his facial features properly. All she can see was a small figure standing beside the white mercedes benz.She was taking steps forward suddenly stopped in the middle she felt someone's gaze at her from the back , she always felt whenever she's out of her house...Alone.

She turned around, no one to be seen . Turning back she started walking again but the feeling of someone piercing gaze never left her soul .

Her breath was uneven , her pace increases as she wanted to reach to the car as soon as possible.

Despite her father's instructions of picking her up from college gate to leaving her at inside her house enterance. She had told the driver to wait at a certain where there's parking space . Ofcourse if she wanted her car parked inside the campus her dad's influence on the college authorities could do that. But making a fuss about money and power.

But she's regretting it in that particular moment. Although this incident was not new for her , in past 2 3 years she often felt like someone's keeping an eye over her . Instead of the fact they never caused her any harm she still can't get rid of the fear everytime it happens.

Driver opend the car door , she sat on the backseat , a heavy sigh leaves her lips as she calmed down a little bit. But she didn't let the driver notice her uneven breaths and nervouness . She tugged her lips itno a smile when the driver greeted her before she get inside the car .

She's safe now , right?
For now atleast

She can't told about this to her father coz if her overprotective father get to know this he will definitely not let her leave the house and she'll be caged inside . Although her father takes care of her and her need but sometimes he's just being extra .

There's always something suspicious about him . He didn't open up much. God knows what was the reason for him being this much worried about her she's no longer a child but a woman in her early twenties.

But their father - daughter relationship was just fine and she respects him. He is her only family besides her grandmother who is the closest person to her and she loves her the most .

She didn't know much about her mother. From her childhood till now the mother's role was very well played by her loving grandmom . But she knows that her mother died in an accident along with her father's big brother and his wife. Correct explanation of what had really happened 20 years ago as per her father's instructions no body talks about it.

The creepy thing is that there's not even a single picture of them in the castle size mansion of her's.

Coming back to present

Looking through the window she suddenly told the driver to stop the car.
She ran towards the flower shop , her face brighten up, seeing so many colours in front of her and the fragrance reaching to her giving her a different kind of relief.

With glimmer on her face she chooses some of her favourites

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With glimmer on her face she chooses some of her favourites . Red pink roses , lilies, tulips , inhale their fragrances her eyes were closed.

Suddenly, a voice interrupted her peace

Driver- "mam we're getting late boss will be angry " she nodded

Without wasting any more minutes she payed the bill and left giving a warm smile to the middle aged women in the shop and left.

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