Hail the Queen !!

Start from the beginning

I got the books i found and as i was exiting the shop i spotted another i thought might be interesting so i grabbed a copy "Ninjas of love huh ?" I remarked as i left to get a Bullhead back to Beacon.


After i had returned to Beacon i put my books in my room and after putting my uniform on i went with my team to have some Breakfast as i was craving some food after my morning exercise. As we were eating Ruby walked over to her teams table and slammed a huge binder down and went into a big speech.

Ruby went on about having the best day ever and Nora was throwing grapes at Yang who caught them in her mouth. Yang then said a pretty bad pun and Nora threw an apple at her nose.

"She certainly likes a good Yang after training" I said absently as Nora threw a pie that hit Weiss in the face

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"She certainly likes a good Yang after training" I said absently as Nora threw a pie that hit Weiss in the face. Weiss was furious and glared in our direction as Nora tried to pin it on Ren, "Oh shit she's triggered" I told my team as the students started to clear out of the room not wanting to get caught in the crossfire.


I was standing ready for battle in front a tower of tables Nora had constructed as she sang from the top to taunt team RWBY. "Hahahahaha, I'm Queen of the castle, I'm Queen of the castle !!" Team RWBY were staring at us and Ruby then exploded in mock rage. "Justice will be swift, Justice will be painful, It will be delicious !!!!" She announced as she crushed a milk carton and her team let out a war cry.

"Off with their heads !" Nora commanded as we leapt into action "For the QUEEN !!!" I screamed as i charged into battle. This was absolutely hilarious and i loved every minute of it i thought as i joined Ren and Pyrrha as we threw some watermelons at team RWBY, Yang got some turkeys on her hands and started to punch them out of the air, Blake then joined in to support her with some loaves of bread.

Yang then threw the Turkey's at me but i caught them in my hands. "Nice breasts" I said while Squeezing the turkey's and looking in her direction, She blushed, I then looked to the side to spot Pyrrha and Blake fighting with some loaves as swords. There looked to be more going on there than a simple food fight as they both seemed to be baring their fangs at the other one.

Pyrrha knocked Blake back and threw her loaf as a spear which knocked Yang down. Ruby then came surfing down the table on a lunch tray and threw it at Pyrrha but my Partner did a graceful back flip to avoid it. Ruby then got another tray and came at her again so i got in her way and Punched the tray she was riding forcing her to fly backwards.

Ren charged at Weiss but was sent sliding into a pile of tables when Weiss used some ketchup bottles so make him slip. Nora then came, Slamming the ground with a hammer made from a watermelon and a pole. There was a quick fight with Weiss using a swordfish as a weapon but she was sent slamming into a pillar and was knocked out.

"Weiss don't leave me..........NOOOOOOOOOOO" Ruby wailed in an overly dramatic fashion as she held her partner in her arms. Yang and Ren then charged eachother with Ren blocking a kick from Yang with some leeks.

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