Chapter 15: Price of Immortality

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Finally, Darth Destroya and Asajj Ventress had return back to the Imperial Palace on Dromund Kaas, in Kaas City. And the Pair are seen walking around the Throne room.

Asajj had noticed that Destroya was seemed lost in thought as he walks around the throne room which they are the only one currently there since Destroya had ordered his Knights of Korriban to leave the room.

Asajj: "Darth Destroya?"

Darth Destroya: "...."

- Supreme Commander Darth Destroya

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- Supreme Commander Darth Destroya

Asajj: "Destroya?"

Darth Destroya: "Hmm?"

Darth Destroya had finally snapped out of his thought and looked back to Asajj Ventress who had a worried expression on her face.

Asajj: "Dramath, is there something on your mind?"

Darth Destroya: "No, my little Sith."

- Asajj Ventress

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- Asajj Ventress

Asajj: "But there is something bothering you, I can sense a disturbance on your mind."

Darth Destroya just smirks at hearing Asajj response to his statement knowing that her strength in the Dark side had gotten more powerful than the first day they met.

Darth Destroya: "Fine you win Asajj, I was just thinking about how close I am at achieving our final goal. So many centuries of plan, plotting, staying in the shadow away from Galactic affairs, but now."

Darth Destroya slowly walks up the steps to his Throne that overlooks the wildlands outside of Kaas City before stopping right in front of the Throne with his back facing Asajj.

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