"Uh, yeah, that's me, nice to meet you," i said idiotically putting my hand out to shake hers, which she took lightly and reciprocated. I turned back to the others on the table who were silently watching us until my father called over a waiter to take our orders. I ordered a grilled prawn risoto as it was one of the healthiest things on the menu and as an f1 driver i was already trying to watch my food intake. Juliete, next to me ordered the same thing obviosuly feeling a little pressured to get to know me better. 

Everyone began talking again as i sipped slowly on my champagne before i heard her voice beside me speaking to me again. "so, Oscar, you live in the uk now huh," she spoke grabbing her glass only to notice the contents had been already stripped from it, which she embarrasingly just placed back down, leaving a little grin on my face knowing the culprit was indeed myself. 

"yeah, i do, for work," i answered glumly, noticing her getting closer to me, which i disliked very much. She looked into my eyes sort of as if she was in love, but i knew it was a fake and forced kind of love, which paniced me a little forcing myself to announce to rather the whole resturant at my need to use the bathroom. I stood up quick;t sauntering away, not looking back at her face which i knew had a confused and smug expression written all over it. 

I entered the bathroom, luckiy nobody was inside, i entered one of the stalls not wanting to stand around looking wierd around all the urnials. I pulled out my phone, breathing in heavily as i went to my contacts, hovering over the call button on her name, before closing my eyes, clenching them tightly and pressing it, before putting the phone up to my ear, as i tapped my foot on the floor hearing the ringtone. 

*ring* --__-- *ring --__-- *ring* --__-- *ring*

eventually the ringing stopped, but i was only met with the worst thing i wanted to hear, the voicemail. The autogenerated voicemail played as my heart sunk, allowing me to take another deep breath before turning my phone off and placing it back into my pocket as i sat for just a few more moments, before mustering up the courage to head back. 

I left the bathroom, luckily nobody was in when i left the stall, i looked back to the table and saw Juliete conversing with my parents, they looked happy, i could tell by my mothers smile and the size of her eyes. I bet she was a nice girl, i thought to myself as i staggered back over to the table. They all looked up to me as i sat down, my leg shaking slightly, displaying the nervousness i was experiancing, "are you alright," juliete asked me which was shortly cut off as i clapped my hands at the sight of our meals arriving, since i knew the quicker i finished it, the quicker i could leave. 

"so oscar, how's the racing," one of my family members asked from across the table, as i gobbled down my prawns answer, i felt the gaze of everyone on me espeically juliete's. "oh you know, it's racing," i replied shrugging my shoulders obviosuly not giving them the answer they wanted causing my parents to just laugh and brush it off starting another conversation topic, which resulted in a stern look from my sister, to which i shrugged back at her and began to devour my meal again. 

"so, Oscar," juliete said, though i didn't look to her, but i could feel her looking at me, as the motion of her fork had stopped. I continued to eat, almost finished compleetly, she continued, "what're you doing after this?" she asked, consequentally making me choke on my food slightly coughing, and having to take a sip of the champagne infront of me to wash it down, due to the unexpectancy of the question. I found myself actually turning to her, to face her, this time. 

"well, you know, i'll probably go home, go to sleep," i said tilting my head and smiling at her a little rudely, making it obvious i didn't want to converse, though i felt a little bad about it. "alone?" she then proceeded to ask me, as she placed her hand on my thigh flitaciously. My eyes began to buldge out of my head and the temperature of my body begun to increase rapidly, though i tried to stay calm not wanting anyone to be distracted from their meal to look at me. 

"uh- uhm, probably" i stuttered out uncomfortably as her hand began to advance it's way up my thigh slowly. I saw her devilish eyes and smile, eyeing me up as she did so, "what if you weren't alone," i felt her whisper in my ear, which caused me to jump a little though nobody had noticed which was when my intrusive thoughts won the battle in my head. "I have a girlfriend!" i shouted once again, this time making everyone aware of the situation. Once again tonight, i felt everyones worried gaze on me, though this time it wasn't worry that was displayed on their faces but shock and confusion. 

Juliete backed away and my mother sprung up, "Oscar! when were you going to tell us," she said placing down her utensils and wiping down her mouth as she perked up her posture to seem a little more delighted as did my father. "What's her name?" she continued along with a bunch of other questioned as others listened in, "where's she from?" , "what does she look like?" , "how old is she?". 

I looked up to the ceiling breathing out at what i had just done, and also uncertain of what i was going to tell them, so i went with what i knew best. "uhm, she's called Gabi, or Gabriella," 


a/n a bit of a longer one for you guy's todayyy, sorry no insta post at the end, i didn't know what i would put there. ALSO thank youuu so so so so much with all the support on this story i appreciate it <3 also i love all the comments. 

1820 words

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