"Have you tried this dish before? It's really good. Try it." Wang Linxue raised her chop sticks with a beef and some vegetables on it .

Xi Jinwei opened up and bit into the food before chewing slowly to savour it.

"Mmm, not bad." He acknowledged chewing it faster.

" Have more then." Wang Linxue piled up his bowl more with the beef and broccoli like a nosy anutie. " We need more meat on you. You're still a growing boy. "

He eyes crinkled as he laughed at her antics. " That's my line Xue'er. Here, have some buns. Your cheeks are too thin. Have you not been eating nowadays?" He placed some buns in her bowls lovingly.

" Too busy." Wang Linxue pouted coquettishly her chopsticks on her lips.

"Too busy to eat? You never told me. Are you trying to make my me worried?" He scolded her with heartache.

The surrounding entourage couldn't help but be fed with dog food. Even those who were a couple. They almost threw up in their and gritted their teeth vowing to do everything possible to avoid having a meal with these two together ever again.

Were they just dogs to them? Think about the singles here!

" Hello everyone, Wow.....I didn't expect to see you guys here." A voice Wang Linxue dreaded to hear greeted them and she raised her head to face it.

Ling Zhirou stood there in a navy blue shirt and dark pants different from what she wore on stage today. Her hair was tied in a ponytail though some of her baby hair still lingered on her face. She looked breath taking but casual and God knows how she always managed to pull it off.

Beside her was the man Wang Linxue met in the auditorium a few hours ago. She never quite caught his name.

" Oh hey Ling Zhirou. Congrats on winning the competition for the glory of the school. " Cheng Qi spoke out after a beat when none of the girls did.

Ling Zhirou's brother, sensing the tension in the air, exchanged a concerned glance with her, silently acknowledging the discomfort of the situation.

" Thank you, Cheng Qi. We did our best. " She humbly replied before gesturing to her brother beside her. She opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted.

" Is that your boyfriend?'' Wang Linxue inquired innocently.

"What?  No, no. This is my martial brother Zhang Junjie. I've known him for as long as I can remember." Ling Zhirou clarified.

Oh, so friend zone eh?

" Hello. Hi." He smiled at them looking at everyone. When his gaze landed on Wang Linxue again his eyes lit up in recognition.

" Fancy meeting you here."

"Oh hi again. Hoped you found your seat easily."

" Yeah, I did. Thanks again." He winked at her.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Jinwei subtly tense beside her. 

'' Hi Jinwei." Ling Zhirou almost shyly greeted and he smiled back.

" You're the Xi Jinwei?" Zhang Junjie took a good look at him now. He narrowed his eyes at him in sceptism.

" Yes?" He lifted his head,raising his eyebrow in question.

" I've heard so much about you."He smiled but it looked forced for some reason.

"Only good things I hope.'' He responded nonchalantly blinking slowly at the man with a hidden gleam in his eyes.

Ties And Fate (Book 1)✔️Where stories live. Discover now