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Thursday 12:30

My mother was explaining to me about a competition happening in a super rich place. I tried asking what it was about but she seemed to shrug the question off.

I didn't think much of it so I just went because why not, my mother tagged along and when we arrived there was so many other girls with their moms

Indeed my mother wasn't lying, this place seemed rich every way. I wanted to back out of this but I never had a choice or say against my mother.

She pinched  me every-time I wasnt standing straight or just a good posture, this sucked because we waited in this line for hours.

Y/n- don't you think we should head back home?
Mother- y/n I didn't raise you to be a quitter, you are the daughter of a business woman
Y/n- you sell yourself to man mother that's not business
Mother- you're living a good life aren't you? It's a sacrifice I've made

I had to keep pulling my demon skirt down because it was so short, my mother always dressed me in occasions like this.

She wanted me to show off my body figure and the beauty I had, before getting inside the house I felt someone staring. My eyes wandered as I looked up to lock eyes with someone in the window

I couldn't see their face because they were wearing a mask, I looked away because it was lowkey creepy. I was getting bad vibes  from this place.

A few minutes later someone tall guys came up to me and my mom, " you both can come with us" my mother wasted no time and we walked.

The other girls in line gave me dirty looks and we're saying things, the hour was extremely beautiful. It had a really strong scent but could make you fall asleep.

We walked more to a room where there were five others girls, we all stood aside of each other.

Elder lady- we have decided you five girls are the finalist, all five of you are truly beautiful and elegant but only one of you can be chosen by my son

I was shocked and confused so this competition was getting chosen by that ladies son, but what would happen if you got chosen.

My mother from afar was telling me to smile but I couldn't I was in a position where I was panicking and wanted to run away.

I then suddenly felt someone pass by me, it was a male with a good figure. We all assumed it was her son.

Guy- I'm not the son, I'm his right hand but he sent me to choose one of you.

The guy kept talking but I wasn't paying attention, I looked down and the rest of the girls looked happy. That's when I hear " you"

I turned my head to see him pointing at the girl next to me, we all clapped for her . But I needed to leave I felt like something was going to happen.

I sígnaled my mom I was going to leave now, I was walking quickly out of here until the guy said " wait" I froze and we all turned back,

Guy- I made a huge mistake but you aren't the girl he chose.... Umm Lee y/n you're the one he chose

My mother jumped all excited and happy but I didn't like that so I kept walking away until the guard grabbed my arm, " miss you were chosen"

Y/n- im aware of that, but I changed my mind he can go work there some other girl

I pulled my arm away and kept walking until the guard picked me up, the only reason I was freaking out was because my skirt was short.

Y/n- this is not how you treat women you fucker

Guy- what's wrong? You got chisme you should be happy?

Before I spoke I looked around and everyone was staring at me, I hated that
Y/n- I'll gladly give up my spot
Elder lady- you can't my son chose you there's no going back

Mother- I'm sorry for how's she's acting, she is thrilled for this opportunity and she's all his

My eyes widened at what my mother just said, I scoffed and looked at her in disbelief.

Y/n- we'll tell you're son he can't find someone else sorry I'm taken

??- by who?

A deep sudden voice made my freeze, I didn't turn around though. " I'm sure he wouldn't give you up easily but why'd you sign up for this then?"
Y/n- i DIDNT it was my mother
??- I see, who's he I'll offer him something
Y/n- he won't accept just like I won't accept this shit either

I turned around to find him him leaning against the wall but it was like he was a shadow I could make out his face.

??- I Can already tell you're gonna be a pain in the ass
Y/n- it won't have to be that way if you could just let me go
??- you're being a little too bold don't you think?
Y/n- and?
??- I'll shut that pretty mouth of yours up

I rolled my eyes and started walking away like the bad bitch I was, I'm surprised he didn't do anything or none of them did anything.

I walked out that building and ran, since I was wear ysl heels it was not convenient at all. I was so scared that I called my bf right away.

Y/n- where are you? Can you come to me please hurry
Bf- yes where are you?
Y/n- i don't know um I'll send you my location

I stayed on call with him until he came I got in and we left, in the car I explained everything. Even he was confused and shocked.

Y/n- you wouldn't accept anything if he ever offered you something right?
Bf- never baby I would never you're worth more

I felt more comfortable, we stopped by some cafe shop that was named

Nishimin cafe

We ordered our stuff but I still felt off, " why are you wearing that though?" He was referring to my short skirt and the heels and my shirt

Bf- the guy you were talking about he isn't the boss of mafia right?
Y/n- that shit is only in movies and idk what he does

My bf was looking behind me terrified, I looked back and some guy was standing there. It shocked me because he good looking like really fine.

Don't tell me it's him...... the son

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