XV. Touch Me In My Lace

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TW: Mention of abuse, touching, smut, poking, shoving, grabbing

After a little while, the water grew colder and you and Cordelia grew tired. She stood up, grabbing you a towel, holding it open with a smile. You stand up, holding your arms as she swaddled you in the soft white fabric, bringing you in to her chest with a sigh.

"So.... did we like bath time? I was getting some mixed signals love," she chuckled very lightly and quietly before kissing your head. You just wrapped your arms around her, still engulfed in the towel and resting your cheek just above the valley of her breasts. She rubs your arms up and down, seeing you were shivering now standing in the cool breezy room and she giggles. "I'll take that as a yes?"

You tiredly nod, still having your eyes closed as she held you. She continued to softly rub your back and arms, warming you up as well as drying you. You suddenly feel the cold air engulf your body again as she unwraps you, drying your legs, torso, and your center gently. You whine and shudder, making her roll her eyes with a smile. Wrapping the towel back around you, she brings you back to her bedroom.

"We should start getting ready for rehearsal," she whispered, kissing your forehead. "I'll be back with your clothes, here chilly girl," she giggled, giving you a soft, thick knitted blanket, leaving the room.

You were finally able to process what had happened in the library and shuttered replaying it in your head. She seemed so... jealous. It was like nothing you had ever seen before. It really was either her or Nick. You couldn't shake that feeling of abandonment as she almost left you alone in the library with your seeming predator.

You unwrap yourself from the cold damp towel and engulfed your body in the blanket. It was so soft and warm, you lay on your back and curl up, holding your knees, and closing your eyes, still thinking about her expression, her intense grip on your hand as you left the library and the embarrassment of calling her name afterwards, your knees shaking and eyes filling with tears. You probably looked like a child about to piss her pants.

You throw a hand over your forehead. It made you afraid of trying to make things work with Nick because if it fails, maybe she won't let you come crying to her. But god knows he'll never leave you alone. You were to anguish in his desires. The thought of never being held and comforted by her again over a high school boy who hits you for fun made you feel sick to your stomach.

Before you could begin to think of a solution, you feel a gentle touch near your center. Looking up, you see Cordelia smirking over her perfect view between your legs, seeing they were lifted up as well as the blanket.

"Comfortable?" she teased, tossing your ballet outfit onto the bed, crawling over you with dark eyes, cupping your exposed area. You immediately blush and she bites her lip, feeling you get wet at her touch. She begins it palm it, creating circling movements. "I asked you a question sweetheart," she slows down, almost pulling away. You whine quietly with your eyebrows drawn, biting the side of your finger, desperately nodding, making her chuckle, and move your bitten finger away. She toys with you a moment longer, slowly collecting some of your wetness on her finger, barely breaking eye contact, except for looking down to admire it, dramatically gasping before placing gentle kisses around. She can never help but let out little smiles and taunting chuckles playing with you.

"Mm Cordelia," you whispered, closing your eyes.

"Do you want me to play with you a little more, darling before we leave?" she whispers in a smirk. You nod with a desperate look. She bites her lip, gently pushing a finger inside of you, while moving the blanket over to see your bare body. You moan and pull the fabric back over your breasts. She deepens her finger, pulling it back down. "Why so shy baby? I want to see you," she says lustfully with drawn eyebrows.

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