II. Sleepover

182 24 3

TW: brief disordered eating behaviors, suggestive language

You and Miss Goode continued to walk through campus, letting her show you around. She was soon holding your hand as you laughed, making your way back to your dorm.

Entering the light pink room, illuminated by the almost setting sun, you saw your few suitcases, still to be unpacked.

"Would you like some help with these?"

"Sure! thank you," you sigh, kneeling on the ground, unbuckling the large leather cases. The rooms each had two wardrobes. You open one side, seeing your uniforms hung up, along with some empty drawers and shelves.

Cordelia opened one of the cases as you began folding the few normal clothes from home. Comfy sweaters, sweatpants, crewnecks, and pajamas. Cordelia looks down and sees your matching tank top and shorts sets, underwear, bras, and socks. You look at her, trying to read if it was awkward or not but she quickly smiled at you as she began folding them into neater piles. You slowly fold a pair of flair gray sweatpants as you see your thongs in her hand, being so gently placed. And she didn't even look like she had a thought behind it.

You continued managing the case in front of you and started placing the clothes on the top shelf. She comes behind you, opening a little drawer, placing all your underwear in it. You finish stacking everything on the shelves and turn to see Cordelia slipping your empty suitcases under your bed.

"Thank you Miss Cordelia."

"You're welcome honey. It's getting late. Do you... want to have dinner at mine?"

"Oh.. That's okay I was thinking of going to the kitchen," you replied, not wanting to burden her anymore today, as well as not let her know you actually planned on skipping dinner.

"Well... we can order out... get anything you'd like. I don't want you having dinner alone."

"Okay," you agreed with a warm, appreciative smile. You open the third suitcase and start taking out your books, notebooks, and stuffed animal.

"What's this?" Cordelia asks with a smile, picking up a white teddy bear you've had since you were little.

"Uhm- my- my bear," you said quietly with wide eyes. She strokes it's stomach and looks at it for another moment.

"She's beautiful," she says, handing it to you. You take it and swiftly place it somewhere in your closet and shut it. You sit back on the floor and start organizing your books and Cordelia places them on a shelf. Once you were done, she takes your hand and you both head back to her place.

Upon arriving back in the warm, cozy house, she puts on a record and you both go to the kitchen. She picks up some take out menus and holds them in front of her with a smile.

"Now, we have Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Mexican..." she says, only to notice your panicked eyes.

"Uhm I'm- I don't know... You pick."

That all overwhelmed you a bit. You hated take out and restaurant food in general. It scared you.

"Okay... Uhm, Well, thai food is my personal favorite. There's lots of options. Here," she says with a smile, handing you the menu.


Cordelia and you sat on the couch while you looked at the small paper for about ten minutes. She was setting some blankets on the couch and handed you one. You take it with a small smile, pulling the blanket over your lap, still examining all the choices.

"See anything you like?"

"Uhm... I just don't think I'm that hungry."

"Oh. Well.... you know, I am getting pretty hungry so how about I get a few little things and we can share?"

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