VIII. A Dream of Reality

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This chapter mentions a few dark topics. Please read at your own comfortability.

TW: ⚠️⚠️Mention of rape NOT the action.⚠️⚠️

Smut, sex toys, wrist grabbing, guilt after giving consent (?) mention of eating disorder behaviors.

After class, you started walking with Elizabeth in the hallway but Nick was quick to catch up with you. He cut you off as you were talking to her.

"Where are you going? Hines's room is that way."

"I know I was just going the longer way so we could talk. This is Elizabeth by the way-"

"You're gonna be late if you go that way. Let's go," He pulled you away from her and started walking you in the other direction. You stayed silent as he practically dragged you to your next class. "Don't run away from me again," he whispered before pushing you in the door. Everyone in the class looked at you as he placed your books and bag down. He kissed the top of your head before mumbling a quick "Be good," and leaving.

Lessons continued throughout the day and Nick just seemed agitated everywhere you went. By the time school was over, you immediately headed to Miss Cordelia's classroom where he wouldn't find you. You saw her packing up her bag, ready to go home. You quietly knocked on the open door and she looks up with a smile.

"Hi sweetheart, how was your day?"

"It was good. I made a friend. That girl Elizabeth."

"I saw! You two seemed to get along well."

"Yeah she's really nice. She's from Yorkshire, she's really good at drawing and she even has tattoos."

"Wow," Cordelia laughs. "I'm so happy y/n. Anyone give you trouble today?"

"No. Just stares and whispers," you mumbled quietly with a sigh.

Cordelia has a sympathetic look on her face but you were soon torn from the moment as you hear something. A laugh sounds through the hallway before you hear his voice. You gasp and run behind Cordelia's desk, crouching.

It hit her so hard, seeing your shaking frame like a terrified child. As he and one of his friends walked by, he quickly turned his head in the direction of the room to look for you and continued his way down the hall.

"Is he gone?" you whispered.

"Yes honey. He's gone," she replies in an apologetic tone.

You stand up, brushing off your skirt and she continues to look at you sadly.

"Are we still going to your house?"

She nodded with a smile and took your hand as you made your way there together. It was sunny outside and the grounds were clear of everyone, as they all were in their dorms. The trees were beginning to turn a vibrant orange color, signaling fall was on its way and you couldn't be happier. Cordelia opened the door for you and you walked into her living room, flopping onto the couch. Her face soon came into your vision as you stared at the ceiling with her standing over you.

"Long day?" she laughed.

"The longest," you sigh dramatically, whipping your head to the side, closing your eyes with the back of your hand over your forehead.

She sat beside you and placed her hand on your head, roughing your hair, making you blush. But as she looked down at you, her eyes looked nervous. Like she was about to say something hard.

"...So, do you want to talk about what happened last night?"


You turned to lay on your stomach and sat up.

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