IV. Something That Changed You

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TW: abuse, hitting, underage sex, drinking

"Good girl," she smiled, squeezing your hand. You blushed and smiled back. "Do you want me to stay here for a bit?" she whispered. Without a second thought, you nodded. "Okay."

You both lay down and she touched your nose, making you giggle, You then begin to itch at your dress.

"That dress uncomfortable?"

"A little bit."

Cordelia gets up, opening your wardrobe and pulls out a little gray tank top and pajama pants. Again, her dressing you up like a doll.

"These should be more comfortable."

You smiled and took them from her hand going into the bathroom to change. Looking in the mirror, you had never seen your face so red. You looked like you had just walked in from the cold. You put on the clothes she picked out and splash your face with water and quickly dried it, hoping to rid it of its redness.

Walking back into your room, you see Cordelia taking off her shoes and laying back down. She looked at the ceiling and sighed, rubbing her temple. You took this as an opportunity to practically jump into her arms, making her hold you close.

"So.. do you do this with all of your students?" you laugh, looking up at her from her hold.

"Oh y/n," she laughs. "No. Just you," she whispered. "Are you okay with it?"

You nodded with a smile. You could've nodded so hard you broke your neck. You were more than okay with it.

"I'm tired," you whispered.

"Me too sweetheart."

"I wish we could nap together."

She looked down at you in slight surprise. To her it was innocent, sweet nothings.

But you knew what you were doing. It was like a small subconscious voice in the back of your head, pushing you towards her more and more.

"We can't do that," she whispered, gently tapping your nose with a sigh.

"I know. I'm sorry," you replied, looking down and fidgeting with your golden heart locket.

"Don't be sorry little one."

You slowly closed your eyes with a content smile and drifted to sleep.

It didn't take long for Cordelia to notice but once she did, she gently moved your hair from your face and stroked your cheek. She hesitated before gently kissing your forehead and slowly lifting herself from the bed, doing her best not to wake you. She left she room, switching off your lamp and shutting the door.

The next morning, you hear the sound of alarm clocks blaring and the bustling of the girls getting up. You stepped out of bed and went to your closet, picking out a collared white shirt, gray sweater, and the blue and green plaid uniform skirt.

"Are you excited for your first day y/n?" Madeleine asks, folding her night dress and placing it on the end of her bed.

You just shrugged and went to put on your black platform mary janes, swinging your bag over your shoulder to head to breakfast. Upon arriving to the dining hall, you searched for Cordelia. When you didn't see her, your eyes shifted to look for someone else.

Nick was once again sitting with his friends and he locked eyes with you, taking a sip of his coffee. He narrowed his eyes at you, making you shy your face away. You turned back around and went up to the large table of food, grabbing an apple and almost beamed with joy to see an iced coffee station.

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