Nezu:In this Unique school,We Have Many Courses Ranging From Support,Business,Hero as well as Our Normal Course.

Sirzechs:There's also The Additional Courses or Activities that can act as an extra curricular for students,Such as Magic.

(Y/n) immediately Got Excited By that Prosperity but it was Shot down after Sirzechs said you Have To either be born with it,Learn it or Have enough potential to use it,Immediately.

The ship finally landed as (Y/n) left and Finally Saw the School,Entirely.

The ship finally landed as (Y/n) left and Finally Saw the School,Entirely

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

(Y/n):Wow!It's So Shiny!

The headmasters and Teachers with him give a deadpan look and Think one thing.

Adults:'That's What you noticed?'

At least,It's Not the Same sex joke of "It's So Big" that Everyone Always Does.

Nezu:We'll have Asuka And her Friends As Well as Team RWBY show you around.

(Y/n) scratched his Head because it itched and he was still confused But they fixed one of those things.

Hanzo:if you're Confused Or Worried...Than,Don't worry as Asuka is My Granddaughter and She is A Kind person as well as her friends.

Ozpin came foward and Explained who team RWBY Is,Apparently They are Also Kind People.....except Weiss,Whoever that is.

(Y/n):Okay......I'll trust you.

And they waited.

And They're still Waiting.

Ozpin:It's Been An Hour...Where are they?

Nezu:Calm down,I'm sure they'll be here soon.

And they're STILL Waiting.

Hanzo:It's Been 2 hours,Where the heck are they?

Sirzechs Takes A deep DEEP inhale and Outhale before he speaks.

Sirzechs:No matter,I'm Sure they're On Their Way,RIGHT NOW!

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