Chapter 7

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Kyu was taking a stroll in the city. He wore a black coat and a Magenta scarf. Kyu walked emotionless until he saw a park.

Kyu went into the park and sat on one of the benches. Kyu then brought out nine cards and looked at them.

"Thinking about your past again?"

Kyu heard a familiar voice and turned around. Takashi was standing a few feet away from him.

"You already know the answer." Kyu said before pocketing them.

"Were you staring at the first nine cards you obtained again?" Takashi asked as he walked to Kyu and sat beside him.

"This brings me back to the first time you transform." Takashi said.

Kyu looks slightly at Takashi before looking at the DecaDriver and remembers when the driver was white.


A young Kyu went to his dorm at Senba Academy the school where he and Kiana attended to.

Kyu went into his bedroom before bringing out the driver Takashi had given him. Kyu then checked the RideBooker and saw there were multiple cards inside of it.

The Decade card was in front of all the cards. Kyu took out the cards and saw nine other cards behind them.

"Kamen Rider?" Kyu muttered before storing the card back. But he pocketed the Decade card feeling something familiar within it.

"I should stop thinking about it. Kiana wants me to go with her tomorrow." Kyu muttered before laying down in his bed.

"It's weird... why does she only want me to come with her?" Kyu questioned before closing his eyes and sleeping.



Kyu falls off his bed after hearing an explosion. Kyu jolts awake before looking outside and sees the city destroyed.

"What the hell happened?!" Kyu yelled in shock.

Kyu then grabbed the DecaDriver and ran outside. Kyu ran until he saw multiple grey-haired people armed with scythes and bows.

They noticed Kyu and aimed their bow at him. Kyu widened his eyes and hid behind the rubble of a building.

"What are those things?" Kyu muttered.

"Those are Honkai Zombies."

Kyu turns his head up and sees Takashi with his gun out shooting at the zombies.

"Honkai?" Kyu asked.

"Not the time! Put on the belt and transform!" Takashi yelled angrily before dodging an arrow.

"How?!" Kyu asked.

"You already know how! The belt!" Takashi yelled back before focusing on the zombies.

"The belt?" Kyu muttered before bringing out the DecaDriver. Kyu stared at the driver before having the urge to put it on his waist.

Kyu puts the belt on his waist causing the belt to form while the RideBooker appears on his left side. Kyu then took out the Decade card and opened the belt before inserting the Decade card.



The sequence of Decade transformation is formed but instead of twenty silhouetted figures, it was only ten. Kyu's body changed and right now he was wearing an armor that Takashi envied.

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