minho looked over and made eye contact with an unfamiliar girl.


"that's minho. he works for eomma. anyway, come on." chan spoke up, nodding his head in another direction at minho.

minho was about to walk to that direction but the girl stopped him.

"oh my gosh! you must be minho! ah- i've wanted to meet you forever! dahyun says you're so cute and she's not wrong!" she squealed.

minho gulped.

"oh... then that makes you sana... it's nice to meet you..." minho laughed awkwardly.

sana just pouted her lip out dramatically and turned to chan who looked unamused.

"he's adorable, channie! why the hell is he with you?!" she asked, her voice suddenly changing.

chan rolled his eyes.

"jesus, sana. just leave him alone. minho, come here-"

"he better not leave an influence on you, minho! you're too sweet to be around this bratty kid!" sana exclaimed as he suddenly held minho's wrist.


"sana!" chan suddenly yelled.

minho slightly flinched at the sudden loud voice but sana just looked normal.

"fine." she scoffed as she let go of minho's arm and stepped back.

"learn to back the fuck off!" chan said as he walked over to minho and put his on his back, pushing him to walk with him.

"oh- it's fine, i swear-"

"whatever! fuck you, channie! bye minho!" she shouted.

they walked down a hall and chan let go of minho to open a door, leading into a bedroom.

it was big.

but it was plain.

black and grey sheets, light grey walls, limited furniture.

chan let out a loud sigh.

"i'm sorry about my sister-"

"chan, it's really okay. she was just excited to meet me- i guess... i really didn't mind. b-but thank you, anyway." minho giggled.

chan just nodded.

"she can be a bit much when meeting new people." chan chuckled.

minho smiled.

"you guys are the total opposite..." minho said in a small voice, watching as chan went around his room and took out things to treat his cuts.

"yeah?" chan answered, not really listening.

"yeah... like, opposite but totally the same... you know? you're both a lot but differently." minho mumbled but was loud enough for chan to hear.

chan let out a quiet laugh.

"right. i mean, we are related, i guess. but, i know what you mean." chan spoke, finally grabbing everything and putting it on his bed and sitting beside it.

minho followed and sat on the other side of the things on the bed.

"alright. let's do this!" minho suddenly said excitedly.

chan looked up at him and cocked an eyebrow.

"oh? so, you're actually doing this for me?" chan chuckled.

minho nodded his head eagerly.

"yeah. i mean, it technically is my fault you punched him- and since you were drunk who knows what you touch last night so it might get infected. plus, i owe you for when i got punched in the head that one time..." minho said, a small smile on his face.

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