Chapter 14

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'Speaking to dragons'


Aura's POV

Ace took us around the palace showing us where everything is. My favorite places he showed, was the library and the music room. He showed us where his, Poseidon's, Kai's, and Kano's office. We happened to walk next to where Kai and Kano were taking there lessons at.

"What lesson's are they learning?" Scar asked.

Ace glanced at Scar, "They are learning about the roles they will take once father has handed down the crown. That won't be for a very a long time, but they are learning for it now. They will help once they have finished learning."

"Well, I believe that is everything. I believe it is about to me lunch. Are you ready for it?" Ace asked us. I wasn't all that hungry, Scar didn't look hungry either. "What most likely will happen for you two, you will get something small for lunch and dinner."

'That I am fine with,' I thought to myself. 'I do want to go back to the library.' I looked over at Ace, "Is there anything planned after lunch?" I asked Ace. He looked to be thinking, before answering, "I believe father wants to show you around outside, we will probably join too. You'll be able to see all the shops and everything else."

We started swimming towards the dining room. When we got to the door of the dining room, one of the people next to it opened the door. As we entered, we heard a voice.

"Ah, Sir Ace, I see you are early this time. Lunch is going to be finished in a few minutes. You may sit at the other dining table for now. We would like to get the table ready." The mermaid said to Ace. She looked to be a cook. "Ah, yes, I believe I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Julia. I am one of the cooks, but I am also part time as a maid. I only do lunch and dinner, so you may see me in the mornings." Julia bowed when she said her name, before raising her head.

She was putting down what looks to be food down before we came in. I looked at the table, it had different things on it.

"Would you two to sit at that table there?" Asked Ace. Scar and I went over to the table, while Ace went over to Julia. He was talking about something, but we couldn't hear what. We both sat down next to each other. The table had four chairs per two sides and one chair per two other sides.

The door opened again, but this time Kai and Kano came through the door.

"Aw man! We came early this time!" Kano exclaimed. Kai shook his head, " I told you we would've been early, you should have listened to me." Kai said as he shook his head.

"Kai, Kano, head to the other table." Ace said to them both. They both turned their heads over to him, "So we weren't the first ones here! At least I'm glad about that!" Kano said, as they both started swimming over to us.

They both looked surprised to see us there. "Ah that's the reason why he is over there." They both sat on either sides of us. "How was the tour?" Kai asked us. Scar talked about what he liked, then looked to me. "I liked the library and the music room." Kai nodded his head. "I figured you would, they are both nice places to be at, especially the library." 

We continued talking until Ace came over. "So lunch should be ready in a few minutes, Father should be coming soon." He told us. Right when he finished talking, Poseidon came through the door. "Julia, is lunch ready?" We all glanced at him, he looked to his right and noticed us, before looking to where Julia is at. 

"Unfortunately not, Sir Poseidon, you will have to sit at the other table, we have a few new things we are trying. It will be ready in a few minutes." Julia told him. "Alright, tell us when it is ready." Poseidon went towards us, he sat down next Ace. "Well, it seems we are all early today, were Kai and Kano early first?" Both Kai and Kano looked offended. 

"For your information, it wasn't us this time. It was Ace." Kano said to Poseidon. He nodded his head, "I'm assuming you finished the tour early." Ace nodded his head. Everyone kept talking until Julia told us lunch was ready. 

When we got to the dining table, there was a couple of foods that I didn't recognize, but there was two bowls near Scar and I's seats. In one of the bowls, there were a few different fruits. In the other bowl, there were a few pieces of seaweed in the bowl. 

"So the seaweed bowl and the fruit bowl's are only for Aura and Scar, if they do not finish it you can have the rest, or if you don't finish it we could leave it for someone else. But miss Aura and miss Scar, I would like for you to eat these things mainly. We will also have this for your dinner, but we may add other foods once you are able to eat more." Julia told us as she stand next to Poseidon. "You may now enjoy your food." She bowed down before heading to a door and exiting. 

Everyone started to dig in. I grabbed onto the tongs for the seaweed and put a few in my bowl. Then I grabbed the tongs for the fruit bowl and also put a few in my bowl. I had a few bites of the fruit. 'Theses are good, and the seaweed makes it better, too.' I glanced over at Scar, he seems to like the food as well. 

Once everyone finished, Poseidon grabbed our attention. "Well, now that we finished. Would you like to explore outside of the palace?" He asked us. "Or would you like to take a nap?"

A nap did sound nice. "Could I have a nap? And maybe explore after that, if we have time?" I asked them. Poseidon nodded his head. "You may, I will have Gabrielle to bring you to your room. Would you like to take a nap as well Scar?" 

Scar shooked his head. "I would like to go to the library, but I do want to go explore once she finishes her nap." Poseidon nodded his head. "I will have Kai come with you." 

Everyone got up and went there separate ways, Gabrielle brought me back to the room we were in. I went right into the bed and took a nap. 


Finished: October 23rd, 2023


Published: November 6th, 2023

Words: 1117

I'm so sorry for the wait, I had a seasonal job that took my time for the moment, so I was finally able to just write a chapter. 

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