Chapter 7

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'Speaking to draons'


Chase's POV

We walked onto what I assumed was Freya's ship, when we were stopped by a person that looked like Amaya. I'm assuming that this is Lyn.

Lyn looked over at me. "Hello, my name is Lyn, it is nice to meet you!" Then she looked at Freya and said, "The healing pod is all ready to go. We can go ahead and put him in."

"Alright, lets get going then." Freya said. Lyn led us to a room that reminded me of Poseidon's ship, but it appeared just slightly different. As we entered, I noticed that on the left side there were lightning healing pods only. On the right side, there were other elemental pods. In the middle, there were liquid healing pods.

Rai headed over to the lightning healing pods. She placed me in the healing pod, and made sure to check that everything was all clear to go and start the healing process.

"With these healing pods that Poseidon had on his ship, we have the ability to continue the healing process from there. We are also heading in the same direction as the rest of you, but we will probably get there first. Are you interested to know where we are headed?" Talia asked. I nodded my head in response to her question.

"We are headed to the Queen and King of our kingdoms. They are the light kingdom above all of us. Each of the kingdoms that are underneath them are almost all the elements of some variation. There is only one pure kingdom for each element, but there can also be a mix of two different elements. We do have allies that aren't elements."

Rai looked over at us and said, "Okay, we will now get this going, I think it would be best if you get some sleep. When we are about to dock, one of us will wake you and check to see that you are free to start moving around." I nodded. I felt the lightning healing me much faster than it did on Poseidon's boat, and it was a soothing feeling. With that, I began to feel really sleepy, so I let myself sleep.

Autumn's POV

 (skipping a little bit back in time)

As Chase got taken away, Ren and I were talking, when a guy came over to us and said, "Hello, my name is Arthur. You would heal much better on my ship, if you would like to come with me." Two people that looked nearly identical to him approached.

I looked at Ren. 'Will we be fine?' I asked Ren. 'We should be fine, I have a feeling we will be safe with anyone on this ship.' I looked over at Arthur and nodded. "Please." I said quietly. Arthur nodded his head.

"Aspen! Basil! Come over here!" Arthur hollered over. They came over to where Arthur was standing. "Let me introduce you to my sons. To the left is Aspen and on the right is Basil." Arthur then went to check the health panel, looking through all of the information provided. I figure probably to check that I'm well enough to be transferred. "It seems like you are all clear. Do you mind if one of the twins pick you up?"

I looked over to my brother, just now noticing how he is struggling to carry his own weight. I turned back and nodded my head to the question. Basil walked up to the door of the healing pod and opened it. I was slowly picked up bridal style. I sniffled, accidentally catching a whiff of Basil's smell.

'Why... does that smell... familiar?' I thought to myself. I start to feel pain in my head. I brought a hand to my head. "You okay there?" I heard Basil speak to me. The pain went away slowly, like a wave, and as I looked up, I noticed that Arthur, Basil, Aspen, and Ren were looking at me. I nodded my head, "I'm okay." They didn't look like they believed me, but they let it go. Basil started walking with Ren and Aspen following.

We walked off of Poseidon's ship and onto Arthur's ship. We headed into a room that I assumed must be their healing room. A girl approached us, and greeted us by saying, "Hello, the healing pod for her is open and ready."

"Oh, Autumn this is Raine. She is Basil and Aspen's little sister. She stayed back to get your healing pod ready." Arthur said before walking into the healing room.

When I looked in the room, there were healing pods like Poseidon's to the left of the room. To the right there was something similar to the healing pods, but looked more powerful. In the center of the room there were 4 square pods filled with water. I think it might be the same healing water Poseidon had on his ship.

They brought me to one of the upgraded healing pods and placed me inside one of the pods. As my pod was hooked up, I saw Ren grab onto one of the twins. The twin picked him up and placed him in a healing pod next to me. "He will be fine, when Aunt Freya found them they had to make sure they were safe. I don't know entirely what happened, but I'm sure we will know soon." Aspen said, as he made sure he was healing.

"I would recommend sleeping a bit more. It will be a while, we will wake you up when we get to the docks." I nodded my head slightly. I thought to myself, 'Why did he seem familiar? And why did I get a headache?' Before I was troubled by more of my own thoughts, I started to feel myself nodding off.


Finished: March 3rd, 2023

Edited: June 14th, 2023

Published: June 14th, 2023

Words: 967

I did have some writers block for a bit of this, that is why there is a bit of time between chapter 6 and 7. 

IMPORTANT: There will be no other chapter this month. I will have one chapter from Creations as my sort of filler for one of the chapters (which I believe I already posted).

Also I currently have a job, so I either will be busy or I won't. We will see how everything goes.

Q: If any of you watch anime, what do you recommend to watch? (I'm trying to get back into anime, and I already have a long list from a friend of mine.)

Have a great day/night!

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