Chapter 8

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This is the cape for later on in the story.




'Speaking to draons'


Aura's POV

Both Autumn and Chase got taken to get healed, while Scar and I were still in the healing water. I felt a lot better, although I still felt tired. "Aura, you should sleep a bit more. We aren't far from the kingdom, but if you go to sleep now, you'll heal a lot more." Ace said as he read the health panel next to the healing water.

"And Scar, was it?" He turned to look at Scar. "Let me look over your wounds. If need be, you can also be placed in one of our healing pods." Scar looked at his wounds before nodding his head.

"Kingdom?" I said quietly. My voice was coming back, but with no real water besides the dirty water dripping once in a while, it wasn't really the best.

"Ah yes, I don't think we really explained where we are going. We are headed to the King and Queen of the Light kingdom. They are the leaders of almost all the elements. There are kingdoms underneath them. They are mostly one single element with some mixes of elemental kingdoms. Do you have any questions about it?" Ace asked. I thought it over, tilting my head to the side a bit unintentionally. I shook my head no after thinking about it. "Alright, maybe you should sleep a bit more. I will make sure someone wakes you up before we get to the dock. And Scar, I also recommend going to sleep, too." Ace spoke to Scar. Scar had already started heading to one of the water healing pods, while Ace was talking about the kingdoms. Scar nodded his head at the recommendation.

I had started to close my eyes by the end of him talking to Scar. If anyone said anything else I couldn't hear it because I fell asleep.

-Time Skip-

I felt myself being nudged a tiny bit. "-ra, time to wake up." I heard someone say. I slowly blinked my eyes open. I looked at who was nudging me, finding out it was Kano that woke me up. I slowly started to get up, going into a sitting position. I looked around to find Ace waking up Scar too. Scar seemed to look a bit better. "Here we got you some food. I hope you like it." Kai said putting down a glass of water and some sort of toast with fish on top. "This is pokecado toast, it is basically avocado toast, but we added a bit of fish to it."

I was salivating by the smell of it. It smelt really good. I went to go use my hands, but I found a fork, in case I needed it. I basically gobbled almost all of it up, just a few bits I couldn't really finish. I felt more healed up from the food and I'm surprised I didn't feel like throwing up at all. I looked over to where Scar's pod is. Seeing that he also was eating, but he was a tiny bit slower than I was.

""Hey Aura, I have some clothes for you to change into." Ace said as he put down the folded clothes. "We got them from Aunt Freya before she left." I got up and went over to him, about to ask where I should change. When he interrupted saying, "Here follow me. I'll lead you to where you could change." He waved his hand to show to follow me.

We headed to what I think is the restroom on the ship. Ace walked away from the room, letting me change. The clothes were black combat pants, black combat shoes, a dark blue short sleeved shirt, and a dark blue hooded cape. I stepped out of the room to see Ace coming back with Scar. "Make sure you don't stress out your wounds." Ace said to Scar. "Ah, you're ready. Here I'll bring you back. We will be docking soon. Oh also I have some shoes for you, but they are back in the healing room." I nodded before accidentally catching Ace's scent, my nose twitching at the familiar smell.

'What does that remind me of?' I didn't notice it but I had stopped. I only noticed when Ace was right in front of me moving his hand in front of my face. "You ok there?" I flinched back not noticing Ace was in front of me. I nodded my head tilting my head still trying to think why he smelt familiar. Ace then said "Are you sure you're ok?" He tilted his head. I nodded my head again. "I'm sure." I said quietly. Ace looked back at me before continuing, I made sure I was following him as I was walking. 'I'll make sure to come back to that thought later.'

We made it back to the healing pod before going to the outside bit of the ship. We were nearing the dock. I decided to look around the kingdom seeing how bright everything is and lively. I'm not used to that.

Ace's POV

I kept making glances at Aura, worried. She stopped all of a sudden while I was leading her outside. I saw her nose twitching a couple times, I also saw some scales go around her nose, like she was taking my scent. Maybe she'll remember soon.

I led her out to the outside of the ship. When we went out, I was going to lead her to father and my brothers. But when I looked back, her eyes were wide with wonder. She was looking at everything, taking it all in. I saw Kano come over, also looking over at Aura.

"Hey Ace, did you get Scar from the restroom?" Kano asked. "No, not yet. Did you want to go get him? I brought him to the one near the bedrooms." Kano nodded his head, and headed that way. I saw Aura looking at me, tilting her head. "Come on, we need to get over to my father and brother real quick." I told her real quick.


I'm gonna be honest, I had something private go on in my life that made it hard for me to continue a bit. It was in March, so that's why there was a huge gap between this chapter and the last chapter.

July 16th edit: This was suppose to be posted on the 12th, but my editor was out of town, and then kept forgetting. So we finally got this done with editing.

Finished: April 18th, 2023

Edited: July 16th, 2023

Published: July 18th, 2023

Words: 1009

Q: What is your favorite movie to watch?

Have a great day/night!

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