Chapter 2

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'Speaking to draons'


3 years later

Aura's POV

We have been here for so long, and my dragon needs water. I know that Chase has water, but since his dragon is a lightning dragon, he needs lightning. Water heals Autumn,unfortunately she needs it too.

*Cough cough*

Autumn and I have been coughing non-stop for the past week. I am in hope that people will find us soon.

Suddenly, we hear movement around the entrance of the secret jail. I can hear footsteps. We snap our heads to the entrance, hoping it's someone who can help us get out of here.

??? POV

"Sir,"the guard said. "The Queen said to look at this part of the ocean, there is said to be an island here." We looked around until I felt a little ripple right next to me. I put my hand through, as I watched my hand disappear. "Well I found the island. Do you know what the Queen want us to do here?" The guard nodded his head, "She heard rumors of people that were with the dark side. Granted, the rumors were from three years ago. She thought it would be worth looking. Hopefully there'd some evidence that they were here."

'There were undoubtfully evidence people were here, considering there is a whole camp here. It's like a ghost town, except it feels like there is people still here. I keep hearing water, which can't be. The fountain is still running, but the magic should've should've been gone long now. Unless something nearby is making the fountain generate.'

"Guards, lets check this fountain. And bring my sons." I told the guards. While one guard went and got my sons, another guard touched around the fountain, causing to suddenly move. It revealed a stairway spiraling down to what I assume to be cells.

Aura's POV

Someone above us was talking. I couldn't place a name to the voice, but it sounded familiar. Unless its him and his crew. Otherwise no one should sound familiar. My brother said he would find us....

Rumble Rumble

'Did you guys here that?! Nobody should be able to open it!' I mindlinked to other two.

'Well... it is possible. They could have the special power to open it, or maybe it is him.' Autumn mindlinked back. 'Back when we were still with them I heard that there was a way to open it. Although I don't know what the power is, if there even is a power to open it.'

We watched the people walk down the spiral stairs. It looked about three people wearing armor, and four of the people aren't. They don't seem to see us quite yet, but I think we just need to make a little bit of noise.


"Did you hear that?" Asked one of the unarmored people. His voice sounded more calm, but with of authoritative.

"There might be people down here. Let me check...." Another man, also not wearing armor, replied. He sounded like he could be related to the man who spoke a second ago. They look and sound alike. His eyes scanned around, and as he did this, I noticed his eyes glowed blue. "I see one person with water, but I also sense two other individuals. Yet I can't sence them."

'Guys, I feel like I might faint.' Chase mindlinked. 'We need to get their help.'

'Chase is right. I haven't been able to heal all that well with the little droplets of water I've had to drink.'

'What do you say? Should we trust them?' I asked my dragon. She took a bit to respond, probably thinking of an answer or she's not feeling too well.

'Trust them....' I heard her say in a raspy voice. ''

'Hello? Can you hear me?' I called throughout the mindlink. 'Aqua! Can you hear me?!'

'I agree, we should get help. I can't hear Aqua and that's not a good  sign.' I mindlink through to Chase and Autumn.

"Hey kid, you alright?" Right after one of the people said that, I heard a thump. I opened my eyes, not even realizing I closed them in the first place, and looked over where the thump came from. I moved my arms to the ground looking for Chase, the chains clinking with me moving.

I saw one of the four people glance over at me in the corner of my eye. The moment he saw my face he fell down to his knees, with tears in his eyes. I was still trying to look over to where Chase was, unaware that I had everyone's attention.

'Chase? Are you ok? Chase?'  I kept repeating, like a broken record. It was getting to me that he wasn't answering. I looked over at Autumn, and noticed she was quiet. As I was looking over, I saw that I have all 4 of the men's attention.

"Guards! Try opening the door for the one that fainted." The man from earlier demanded. All three guards went over to Chase's door, and begin trying to figure out the door.

While they were figuring that out, I noticed that two of the four looked to be twins. One of the twins had came to me,  and went on his knees to sit next to my door. "Aura?"


Finished: September 14th, 2022

Edited: November 28th, 2022

Published: March 22nd, 2023

Words: 883

Despite obviously having the time go by, I am working on this.

Q: What is your favorite animal?

Have a great day/night!

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