1 of his big hands went around her mouth and then he began speaking harshly to her, revealing who he was right away. "Shut the fuck up!" He aggressively whispered in her ear.

Fear shot through her entire body like hot bolts and her heart pounded outside her chest. She couldn't believe what was happening at that moment and she couldn't hold her tears as he began snatching down her black leggings.

Her voice was stifled, snot ran down her nose, and tears ran down her red cheeks passing through his 1 hand.

The nerves in her body shook with extreme agony. She knows their history wasn't good to begin with but to take it this far?

She'd never thought HE out of all people would be violating her.

His breath was heavy on her ear & he didn't care that she wasn't aroused or properly prepared for the humiliating act. He brutally thrust into her and she screamed from the sharp pain, her voice still muffled under his hand.

She cried through the rough thrusts he constantly threw her way and a part of herself died that day. He only did the dirty deed for about 2 minutes but it felt like forever to her.

He stayed close to her when he was done, still breathing heavily and catching his breath. His eyes were closed for a second but once he opened them again he whispered into her ear.

"Nobody's gonna believe you. The whole campus thinks you're a slut." He evilly smirked and exhaled once more before pulling up his pants and walking away from her, leaving her all alone.
She stayed balled up in a corner for longer than a minute and she was mortified when she gazed at her thighs and saw all the blood dripping down.

Her lips quivered, tears silently rolled down her cheeks, and her hands trembly reached down to her panties & leggings & slowly pulled them up.

After that, she dashed out of there and ran straight to her car. She caught a couple of weird looks from the students, especially a certain raven head.

He noticed her crying when she passed him & he thought something was wrong with her when she dropped her bag of things and kept running.

Not once did she look back. She just hopped into her car and pulled straight off from the campus and that weirded him out...
He walked over to her things, placed them back inside her bag, and picked it up. That's when Naruto walked over to him with a curious look on his face.

"What are you doing with Hinata's stuff?" He questioned him. "Where were you?" Sasuke dismissed his question and asked 1 of his own. "What?" He said to him, with an eyebrow raised.

Sasuke finally straightened. "I said where were you?" He repeated himself. "And I said what are you doing with Hinata's stuff?" Naruto also repeated himself, this time with a harsher tone.

"She dropped it when she just dashed by me... crying..." He looked at his best friend suspiciously. "She didn't even bother picking it up... so where were you?" He asked again, matching Naruto's harshness.

The tall blond snatched the bag out of his hand and told him off. "Stop questioning me! I don't have to report everything to you." Sasuke couldn't let go of what he witnessed, it wasn't right.

"Dobe!" He moved closer to him and slowly crossed his arms. "I think something happened to her and I think you had something to do with it."

Naruto found it suspicious how all of a sudden he cared about her wellbeing. Especially with the way he celebrated when she was kicked out & he had no issues expressing what he felt.

"So what?" He pierced at him, cocking his head to the side. "You care about her?" He looked the raven in his eyes and asked. "You have..." He trailed off and took a step closer to him, now officially closing the gap between them.

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