Chapter 18 Gabriella: Danger Strikes

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Even though every bone in my body was saying this felt wrong, there I was standing in the wings waiting for my turn to go on for the recital. I really didn't want to do this, but it was the one thing Aiden asked of me and I couldn't help but hope deep down he was able to hear this somehow.

Ever since he left my life, it was like he took all the light from it. It was a miracle that I was even able to keep it together to play my Julliard audition when all I could think of the entire time was where he was and what he was doing since we hadn't been allowed to communicate.

As if taking my phone and computer away wasn't enough, my parents kept an eye on me 24/7 and hired an older bodyguard who watched my every move when they couldn't. They didn't want to risk me getting in contact with Aiden under any circumstances. The only time I could leave the house was for school and piano lessons. It was like I was a princess hidden away from the world.

It gutted me to find out that he was considering going back overseas to work for the firm. If he left, that meant that things were truly over between us and I didn't want to accept that. I wanted to keep believing that we'd somehow find our way back to each other.

"Gabriella?" I heard Riley say, bringing me out of my thoughts. "You're on next. Are you nervous?"

I shook my head. "No, I just want to get this over with."

She frowned at me. "Is this about Aiden?"

I told Riley about mine and Aiden's relationship when I went back to school after we were caught. I was an emotional wreck, and she was really worried about what she was seeing so I had to come clean to her.

I looked at her, trying to hold back my tears. "He should've been here to hear this."

"Maybe he'll hear it someday. But you have to get it together, he wouldn't want you like this."

Realizing that she was right, I closed my eyes and forced myself to pull away from my thoughts of sadness and put them onto my performance. I could do this. Before Aiden, the piano was my other half. I knew this piece like the back of my hand and I just had to play it like I knew I could.

"Next up is arguably one of our most talented pianists that this school has ever seen," our teacher, Mr. Howard, announced. "Please welcome Gabriella Carter performing an original piece."

I walked onto the stage and sat at the piano, ignoring everyone in the room. The only thing that mattered was my piano and me. As I played the piece, I let thoughts of Aiden creep into my brain. Our relationship, how it changed me, even how devastated I was that he was out of my life. I poured everything into the music and by the time the song was done, it was the roar of applause that brought me back to reality.

I took a quick bow before running off stage as I tried to breathe through what I was feeling. It was like the adrenaline of performing was slowly wearing off and reality was setting back in. I was so in my head about everything that I didn't notice Mike walk over to me.

"You were amazing," he smiled at me but frowned when he saw my face. "Are you alright?"

Taking a deep breath, I nodded. "Yeah I'm fine, how could I not be? I just played as a soloist, and I should be hearing from Julliard any day now. How could I not be alright?"

He smiled at me sympathetically. "You know he wishes he could be here. I was supposed to be giving him updates every minute so you can admit that you're not alright."

"What does that do though? It's not like he can come comfort me," I snapped before calming myself down. None of this was Mike's fault. I should be grateful that he's agreed to be the messenger for us but it still wasn't enough. I didn't want a messenger, I wanted Aiden. "I'm sorry."

"Hey, I'm just glad you haven't completely lost that fighting spirit I started to see," Mike grinned. "Hold on to it, you never know when that could come in handy."

I smiled weakly and nodded. Not having Aiden here was affecting me more than I realized but I couldn't crack now. Especially when my parents and Alexis were walking up to me.

"Gabriella, you played so beautifully," my mom smiled at me as she hugged me. "Like you were already selling out arenas."

"Thanks," I replied quietly.

My dad beamed down at me. "Those professors at Julliard would be crazy not to accept you. Why don't we go get some dinner to celebrate? I'll let your driver know to meet us at that Italian spot you like so much."

Without waiting for me to respond, him and my mother walked off leaving Alexis looking up at me. "I miss seeing you happy."

"I miss being happy," I replied solemnly.

"You smiled a lot more when Aiden was around," she said innocently.

I sighed. When our parents refused to talk about why Aiden was gone from our lives, I had to explain everything to Alexis in a way that she'd understand. "He definitely gave me a reason to smile. Don't worry, I'll smile again. Just give me some time. Go catch up with Mom and Dad and I'll meet you guys at the restaurant."

She nodded and ran to catch up with them as I took a deep breath and looked around. Mike walked off with my parents, preparing to leave with them and Alexis while my new bodyguard was standing at the entrance to the auditorium. I wasn't in the mood to sit through a celebratory dinner with my parents. All I wanted was my bed and that was where I was going to go.

Knowing that my driver would immediately tell my parents about my decision to skip dinner and drive me to the restaurant despite my protests, I decided to walk home. The only way I could do what I wanted was if I just went ahead and did it.

While I was walking, I thought about what Aiden would've thought about my performance. He always loved to hear me play so I shouldn't have been surprised that he wanted me to play tonight. I just didn't expect it to hurt so much afterward, realizing that he wouldn't be there to wrap me in his arms and congratulate me or kiss me with the passion that he only saves for me.

I heard leaves rustling behind me and sped up my walking to get past the area faster. I just wanted to be home and the heeled boots that I was wearing were not helping my speed. As I continued to try to walk as fast as I could, I began to hear footsteps behind me. Before I could turn the corner to get onto my street, I felt something hit the back of my head hard before everything went black.

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