Chapter 10 Gabriella: Beautiful Disaster

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As I spent my Friday night playing a piece that I was thinking about performing in the school recital, all I could think about was Aiden. After he rushed out the guest house over a week ago, I had barely seen him or gotten to talk to him alone. Anytime we were together, my parents or Alexis were around us which I was sure he was happy about. Anything to distract him from the fact that we almost kissed.

My thoughts were interrupted when my phone started ringing. Seeing that it was Riley, I immediately picked up. "Hey what's up?"

"Get dressed, we're going to a party," she told me. "Crystal's throwing a party at her place and apparently there will be some college guys there so make sure you're wearing something cute."

I rolled my eyes. "Riley, you know I can't go anywhere without a bodyguard and the last thing I want is to be that weird girl who has someone following her around."

"See if your parents will let you off the hook tonight. Come on, it'll be fun."

I thought about it. I wasn't the type to go to parties like this but I could use a night of fun after everything I'd been dealing with. "Fine, I'll see what I can do."

After I hung up, I took a deep breath before going to my dad's office and found him and my mom talking about work stuff. I almost retreated, imagining that they wouldn't be convinced to agree but I reminded myself that I needed this.

Noticing me in the doorway, my mom smiled at me. "Something on your mind honey?"

I took a deep breath. "Yeah I was wondering if...I could go to a party tonight? It's at Crystal Myer's house but I wanted to go without Mike or Aiden."

My dad frowned. "I don't know, Gabriella. With things getting so serious with the threats, I don't know if it's safe for you to go to a party without protection."

"Dad I can't go to a party with someone following me around. I'd be known as the girl who always needs a babysitter and never get invited anywhere else again. Plus, Crystal's parents will be there. Please let me go."

He glanced at my mom who shrugged before looking back at me. "Okay just make sure you're back by curfew."

I smiled and hugged both of them before leaving to go in the direction of my room. Before I could go up the stairs, I heard Aiden's voice. "They actually believed your lie about parental supervision?"

I turned around to see him with his arms folded and rolled my eyes at him. "Who said it was a lie? Parents supervise parties, you know."

"Yeah okay," he snorted. "Look, you're not used to going to parties. You sure you should be trying to do this one without anyone there to watch over you?"

"I don't need you watching over me. You made it clear where you stand so I have to find some way to live with it."

He frowned and looked down at the floor before looking back at me. "I just don't want you to get hurt."

I tried not to swoon over his concern and instead folded my arms. "Good thing that's something I don't plan on doing."

Without another word, I went upstairs to my room to get ready. After spending thirty minutes trying to find the perfect outfit, I settled on a tight pair of jeans with an off the shoulder crop top that revealed a decent amount of cleavage and my short, high-heeled boots. Just as I finished my makeup, I heard Riley being let in through the front door.

After I went downstairs and we confirmed with my parents that I would be back home in time for curfew, I tried to ignore Aiden standing in the corner watching with intense eyes. I didn't need to know what he was thinking. All I needed to do was focus on being a normal teenage girl going out to a party to have fun, not an introvert who'd rather stay home and obsess over her bodyguard.

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