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I am floating between a large basketball court, confused as to where the crowds are, the stands are empty but I can hear the people talking, calling. I turn trying to see where they are but I am alone, a white ball placed before my feet , the net begging to be used as I pick up the familiar object, feeling the fridges and bumps under my fingers and I smile, turning and soaring the ball through the air, it makes a perfect swishing sound and it goes through the bottom of the net. I collect the ball again dribbling a little before shooting again but it misses and I frown, someone is talking, why won't these invisible people shut up. I am trying to play basketball. I really like this court, it is so shiny and new, I like the white ball, it makes it look like an angels game.

"Just one more shot." I mutter, the crowd doesn't like that, there are more voices as I take the ball in my hands and turn to the basket, walking closer as the light seems to be brighter.

"Tori!!"I smile, there, now they are cheering me on. "Tori! You have to wake up!" I frown, I am awake. I am playing basketball. I want to send the ball soaring, why won't they let me? The basket seems further away as I start walking towards it.

"One more shot." I mutter again, turning the ball in my hands. "I need the swish."

" She is playing basketball!" An incredulous voice breaks through the chatter and I smile, they know, she knows. I want to hug her as I turn to the net. I need to do this. There are some more laughs and the chatter continues, I frown. I need to concentrate.

"Tori! Wake up now!" My body is shaking as the world goes black and I drop the basketball, only to be shaken into another white world. My eyes blink, feeling heavy and prickly, raw like. "She is awake!"

Faces surround me, faces I recognize. I smile but then I shake my head "I was about to beat my record." Mom is crying and smiling at the same time. "Why are you crying?" I demand, no one should be that unhappy about basketball.

"Tori do you know where you are?"

I shake my head before blinking, no longer in a basketball court. I am lying down, sheets white, gown with little blue flowers on. I can feel my bare bottom under the sheets. I make a move to sit up but I can't. Everything comes rushing back to me as the pain runs the length of my body and tears squeeze out my raw lids, sliding down my cheeks.

"Oh baby." My moms arms wrap around me as my sisters move closer, dad on the other side, holding my hand. I was beaten. By Parker, the pain, the feeling of the gravel rushes back to me and I want to crawl up and cry until there is no liquid left in my body.

"Why can't move?"I demand trying once more to sit up but failing.

"Here." Ethel is there. pushing buttons so that my bed starts moving and it is like I am sitting up, even though everything feels stiff and sore.

"Your ribs are bandaged." Dad says through gulps "You have some nasty cuts from the gravel and b-boots and two broken ribs." He struggles to continue but with a hand of my mothers he continues "You also have a concussion, a severely bruised cheek bone, fractured forearm and "deep bruises covering 80 percent of your body." It is too much for him as tears escape his eyes.

A nurse comes in, exclaiming she is happy I am awake. Apparently I have been asleep for 49 hours. it is already January the 3rd. The room is silent as she checks me, fiddling's with my IV and says the doctor will be in shortly. When she leaves I glance at my parents "It was Parker, you need to find him and keep him away from-"I pause, even now the secret of Sienna's burns in my mind.

"We know honey." Mom says through sobs so Jenny takes over.

"The lake house has security footage, something about the parents not trusting their teenage kids," She rolls her eyes "But the police picked up Parker on his way out of the state. They got him on a DUI and the "She indicates to me.

"What is going to happen to him?"

"I hope he rots in hell." Ethel says harshly that we all look at her in surprise. she clearly does not regret her words "Or jail as the second best option."

"I can't believe he did this to you." Mom says squeezing my hand "When we got the call I didn't think it was real." She trails off as Lizzy comes forward, looking scared and frightened, I try smile but my face hurts as does my cheeks and upper eyes. I do not need a mirror to know I look a mess.

"Are you going to get better?" Lizzy asks and I nod, "You were asleep for a long long time."

"I am awake now." I say with a Ironic yawn, which seems to bring my mom to her senses. She shoos everyone out the room, saying a I need rest. But I am not sure I can let her go. Remembering my last thought was that I needed her. So she stays and I let her talk to me until my eyelids flutter closed once more and I am set into a deep slumber.

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