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"Yes!" I jump up having sunk my third ball, the tickets pour out of the machine. Sienna has managed one.

"This is hardly fair." She says waving her three tickets in the air. "You are literally a professional player."

"Why thank you." I bow and she narrows her eyes before scanning the floor.

"Fine then, now we do something I am good at." I follow her gaze and internally groan at the thing I have been avoiding all evening. The dancing machine. I am very uncoordinated  when it comes to music and moving my feet.

She marches over to the machine and punches in the required song and that it will be a two player. I drag my feet and by the evil smirk I think she can tell that I am not looking forward to this. The count down begins and as the squares light up I only have to glance to my side to see that she is hitting every beat.

I am breathless and severely behind when the machine announces her win. "Y-you cheated." I grin and she rolls her eyes. The waves her tickets.

"Highest score on the machine."

I grin sticking my tongue out. Her eyes seem to have a warmth in them that I haven't  seen before. They have come alive  and it sparks a sense of satisfaction  in me.

"Well let's go see our prizes then." I say reaching over and grabbing her arm but she flinches and draws away when I do and I pause at the slight panic in her features.

"Shit,sorry!" I say holding my hands up "I wasn't  thinking I-"

"-It's  fine," She hugs her arms to herself " lets go get our prizes." I follow her feeling like an idiot for my sudden moves . We show the guy over the counter our tickets and I watch as he flirts with her. It is hilarious because she is ignoring everything he says or shooting him down hard. She chooses a bath bomb and some bracelets.

I grin waving my load at the guy in question. He shows me where I can choose from and seeing the options my eyes light up. I point and grinning spin, presenting the present to Sienna.

"Happy birthday!" He eyes the ragdoll dressed in cheer outfit with wide eyes as if she can't  believe this is true. "Go on, take it." She hesitantly  reaches forward and takes it out of my grip going over it with her eyes. She doesn't  need to say she likes it I can tell. I think it is the gentle manner she is holding  it, as if it is precious and worth attention.

"Thanks." Her voice is soft as she stares at the randomly before lifting her eyes to mine, my chest hurts with the warmth in them. They deserve to be like that always. "I mean for everything-" her voice cuts off as she stares at something behind me. Her posture stiff and suddenly she is grabbing my arm and dragging me behind a race car game.

"Si-" her hand is over my mouth in seconds, she draws me closer and I feel her chest rising and falling rapidly. Her heart is beating a mile a minute.

"Shh." She hisses urgently. "Why is he here?" I do not have to ask who 'he' is and my blood runs cold.

Peaking around the corner she is I see the scene before  us. Parker is there at one of the tables, a giant milkshake in front of him but he isn't  alone. Opposite him is an Asian looking girl with bright wide eyes and a shy smile. He reaches over tucking a stray hair behind her ear. His expression is gentle and caring. Nothing like how he looks at Sienna.

"Lets go." There is no second to analyze  the scene as I am dragged strategically out of the Arcade and to her waiting car. She doesn't  stop power walking until we see the flashing lights of her car unlocking and as we clamber in she leans back against the seat. Closing her eyes, chest rising and falling.

"Sienna, I am so sorry." I say worried that she is feeling betrayed worse than before. She loves him and now he is not only hurting her but cheating on her. She doesn't  reply. Turning the keys she turns on the car and pulls out the parking lot. She is silent the whole drive. The ragdoll forgot in the backseat where she placed it. Parking outside my house I pause. Wanting to say something, anything to bring back her warmth. This has been one shitty birthday for her.

"I know, you know, " She looks  at me with a heavy sigh "I know he cheats, ever since I told him that I can't  sleep with him, he took it fine which means he was already getting some."

"That doesn't  make it better."

"This was the first time I have seen him with someone else." She shrugs " It shouldn't  bother me but it does."

"It should bother you." I enforce hating how worthless he makes her feel. Like she doesn't  even deserve loyalty. "He is an asshole and he deserves to be kicked in the nuts."

"I should have known, should have been prepared."

"For the sight of your boyfriend cheating on you?" The car is silent as she takes in the ridiculousness of her predicurement.

"You know nothing can be done."

"I know your  parents love you and they wouldn't  choose this."

"That is why I didn't  give them the option.  You don't  get how miserable my dad was when he lost everything. He hated himself  thinking it was all his fault even when his dad didn't  give him a very lucrative  business in the first place and my mom was trying to be cheery bit she was worried, threatened to get a job at Mcdonald's. Max didn't  really know what was going on but when Parkers family came everything changed and now they are better. Happier."

"I am sorry Sienna, I am."

"I know." Her voice is a whisper. "See you at school."

"See you then." I mutter  feeling useless. Jumping out the car I give a lame wave before heading inside. My mind once more raving at the situation but also my heart as I realise that before Parker was spotted we were having a good time. A brilliant one in fact.

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