~Chapter 17 (closer)~

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It’s early in the morning and I’m lying on the bed with Irene’s sprawled out on top of me. 

I gently remove the strand of hair blocking my view of her face. Tomorrow is the family reunion, I really don’t want to go but my mom insists on us going every year. 

I feel Irene stirring on top of me, I look down to see her already staring at me through her thick lashes. “Morning, love” she sheepishly nodded her head and went right back to sleep. I gently laid her down and got up to get ready for the day. 


It was a Friday, and I didn’t feel like going to work so I just stayed in my home office doing paperwork. It was a relatively slow day, and I was too tired to do anything. I just wanted to go to my room and sleep. 

I glanced at the clock, it was around lunch time. I decided to schedule a last-minute date for me and Irene. I heard her talk about how much she likes daisies and apparently, she did some sort of school project on them when she was in 5th grade. So, I decided we should have a picnic in a daisy field. 


After I finally managed to find a daisy field somewhat close to us, and by close, I mean two hours away, I headed to Irene’s room to tell her about our date. 

I walked up to her room and was about to knock but I heard some sort of mumbling, I put my ear closer to the door and heard her singing, cute. 

I slowly opened the door to find her putting some of her clothes away, she didn’t notice me and continued to sing, her voice was so soft and beautiful. I didn’t recognize the song, but she made it sound amazing. 

After she put her last piece of clothing away, she turned around and froze mid-way not expecting me, “you sound lovely, darling.” 

She blushed and looked down while playing with her fingers. Walking up to her I grabbed her face, gently of course, and made her look at me. “don’t be shy about your talent love, you really do sound amazing.” She nodded her head then brought her hands and wrapped them around my neck hugging me. 

“I planned a last-minute date, if you want to go” her head shot up to me and she nodded her head rapidly, I chuckled and let her get ready. 

I headed to the kitchen to get the picnic basket ready. I packed sandwiches, fruit, candy, and a bunch more snacks. After getting our drinks I put everything in the basket. 

I scrolled through my phone waiting for Irene to come down. I was busy replying to an email. I didn’t notice the small hands that wrapped around my waist, Irene’s head peeked through my arms, and she was grinning at me. I smiled down at her then grabbed her hand leading her the car in the driveway. 


As we were driving Irene was humming to the song on the radio. It was nice we were both just enjoying each other's comfortable silence, 

After about 30 minutes Irene fell asleep and I continued driving. 

We were there and I parked near the field, I slowly rocked Irene to wake her up. She fluttered her eyes and sat up in her seat, “are we there yet” she croaked, her voice cracking since she just woke up. “Yes, love we’re here.” 

I got out of the car and opened her door then headed to the trunk to get the basket, I also got out a blindfold I wanted to surprise her. “Alright I need to put this blindfold on you.” 

“Are you sure you’re not gonna kill in here” she grinned “Don’t worry I know how to hide a body well.” she turned around so I could put the blind fold on her. 

I held her hand and started leading her towards the field. “If I trip and fall to my death, you're paying for the funeral” I Chuckled and lead her to the best spot in the field, we were surrounded by daisies and had the perfect view of the sunset. 

I slowly put down the basket and stood behind her to remove the blindfold, “alright, I'm removing the blindfold, 3, 2, 1” I removed the piece of fabric and she gasped. 

“Oh my god! You brought us to a daisy field.” she squealed and threw herself into my arms, I caught her and held her tight against me. 

We settled down on the blanket and I started taking out the food. Taking note of the huge grin on her face when she saw me take out gummy bears. 

We sat there for who knows how long just eating and talking. I learned that she was homeschooled for most of her school life, she misses her brother who lives in the U.S, and she has a fear of elevators. 


I’m surprised he brought me to a picnic, especially to a daisy field, how did he even know it was my favorite. 

We pretty much just talked and ate, soon it was sunset, and I had Kai take at least 100 pictures of me in the field. After that we started packing our things and headed back to the car. 

The family reunion is tomorrow and although I'm nervus I'm also excited to finally get out of the house and socialize. 

I sat in the passenger seat as Kai put his seat belt on, as he started driving, he moved his hand to my thigh and held my hand or more specifically my pinky. He might not realize it but he’s a huge softy. 

My eyes were getting drowsy, and I felt myself getting sleepier, soon my eyes closed, and I drifted off to sleep. 


Yay! Another update done

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