~Chapter 2 (Interactions)~

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I woke up in a dark room there was barely any light but once my eyes got used to the surrounding, I could tell they brought me to our small base near the forest in Italy. I started looking around maybe for a way to get out but couldn’t find any. I sat back down in defeat until I heard a voice next to me that nearly sent me jumping out of my skin. “help” whispered the voice. I turned around and next to me was a girl around my age, maybe younger, she had shoulder length black hair Brown eyes, and seemed to be the same height as me.

I rushed towards her and noticed she had a huge cut on her arm, luckily, I've been in the mafia enough to know how to tend wounds like this. I ripped a part of my sleeve and tied it tightly around her arm to stop the bleeding. There was a water bottle in the corner of the room, so I helped her drink it. She thanked me and started asking me questions I answered them the best I could and managed to dodge gestions asking why I'm here, honestly, I don’t care if she knows about my father's mafia it’s not like I care about my father, so why care if a potential enemy knows.

We continued talking and I assumed it had been a good couple of hours at least, she seemed nice, and I felt like I could trust her.

We were both getting weaker by the minute, she could barely talk anymore, and I was losing consciousness.

I thought I heard someone busting through the door, but I wasn't sure, by now I could barely hear correctly, the last thing I can remember was getting picked up by someone.

Couple hours later

I woke up feeling dazed, and my head hurt, and my eyes stinged. I looked around to what seemed like a hospital room, there was someone standing next to my bed with a white coat. “Hello there, Miss my name is Dr. Alex, you have just woken up from being unconscious so I'm going to run some quick tests.” I nodded my head and let him do his tests, he left the room, and I took this time to look around the room, it was a decent sized room with white curtains hanging from the window. There were two beds, I was on the first one and the girl from earlier whose name is Elisa was lying next to me

After some time, the door opened and three people walked in. The guy on the left had blonde hair, blue eyes and was holding a bag of chips, the guy on the right had black hair, also blue eyes and had a very determined face. The guy in the middle who I'm assuming was the boss, was at least 6 feet tall, Brown hair, beautiful brown eyes that glowed. And his mere presence kind of scared me. But I would be lying if I said I wasn’t attracted to him.

By the time I was done observing them one of them came up to me and offered me some chips, I had no idea what was in the chips, and I had no idea who these people were, so I didn’t take any. He raised his hand and I thought he was going to slap me, so I flinched, I realized he was just trying to shake my hands and kind of felt bad. But I don’t care, I don’t even know these people.

They left and after some time I got sleepy, so I decided to nap.

I woke up some time later due to people talking, I opened my eyes slightly to see who it was, and it was that hot guy from earlier talking to Elisa. I was awake but pretended to sleep so I didn’t make things awkward.


I finished some work in my office and decided to go visit Irene, Elisa had told me her name was Irene, and it’s honestly a really pretty name. I went down to the hospital room we have and opened the door, I don’t have to knock, I'm the boss here. I went inside and Elisa wasn’t there, she was probably on one of her walks, she can’t stay in one place for longer than a day and the doctor said it would be good and she moved around.

Irene sat on the bed reading some sort of book, I approached her and sat on the bed next to her, this is our first time talking so I hope she responds, “hello Irene how are you feeling” I asked I'm normally not this nice, but I'll make an exception for her. “What do you plan on doing with me boss guy” I raised my eyebrow in surprise, first she doesn’t want to talk and when she does, she has an attitude. I ran my hands through my hair “listen I don’t have time for your attitude, so answer my question with respect” That usually scares people so it should work.

She didn’t say anything but could see the fear in her eyes, for some reason I didn’t want her to fear me, “hey listen, I won’t hurt you I promise.” I’m scaring her more aren’t I “I just need you to answer some questions k” she nodded her head. Cute, wait no I can’t think she’s cute what's happening to me.

Ater answering some of my questions I learned she was Dimitri’s daughter, she had two brothers. The first named Boris older than her, also the heir, and a second brother younger than her named Theo, who is currently in America in a boarding school. I tried asking her why she was in her father's base inside a cell, but she wouldn’t budge. So, I gave up for now at least.

The doctor came in and said she was good to go so I asked Elliot to give her a tour and take her to her room which I made sure was right next to mine.

In the meantime, I went over the file he gave me with as much information as he could find on her.

Name: Irene Russio

Date of birth: September 16, 2005 (17)

Description: Half American, half Russian. Lives with her father and older brother, her mother died when she was 15. Currently in high school, often seen with bruises, and no explanation. Has a brother in America studying.

Was this all the information he could find, I guess she is in the Mafia so it’s harder to find things. I'll have to do a little research myself.


After he asked me some questions which I answered I'm not sure why, but his presence made me feel safe. He said that I needed to stay here for my safety, why is he even protecting me, I barely know him, he said not to worry, and he’ll tell me more during dinner. The blonde guy from earlier came and said he would give me a tour, “why am I getting a tour, I don’t even know why I'm still here, I get it that you guys saved me but why keep me here.”

“Sorry I can’t tell you, bosses order.” He flashed me a friendly smile “My name is Elliot, and it’s nice to meet” “it’s nice to meet you too” I had to pretty much run to keep up with him, He took me to the second floor and down the hallway, then entered a room, I'm guessing it’s my room.

“Here is your room, Kai ordered you some outfits, hopefully they all fit you, if you need anything Kai’s room is right across from yours.” I looked at him confused, who’s Kai? He seemed to realize and answered my question “Kai is the boss, the one that talked to you earlier” oh so that’s his name, “his office is down the hall door on the left.” I thanked him and he left.

The room was spacious and nice, it had black curtains, a grey carpet and a huge bed with black sheets, it was kind of cozy. The closet was huge, and it was filled with clothes, all designer. How much money does this guy have, I took a shower and started looking through the closet for something to wear for dinner, I considered just going in pajamas but that would be kind of impolite. I searched through the closet until I came across a simple black dress, perfect.

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