The room was pretty big with targets standing up on the opposite side of the entrance. Bows and quivers filled with arrows lined the walls. A few students were already there, each staying to their lanes where they can focus on their target. Some were wearing earmuffs to concentrate better, some were talking to their friends as they got a bullseye. The group was split into three groups, so that Damian, Jon and Marcus could help the girls since the chaperones think they should practice first. 

'They forced us to share because I'm not experienced enough,' Lizzie said as Marcus, who was standing behind her helped her grab her bow. 

'It's because they don't know, plus it's not in your course in Paris to learn archery,' Marcus explained, letting Lizzie aim and shoot her shot. 

'Yeah, I learned archery at a place there, I really liked going there,' Lizzie explained, getting a bullseye on her first try. 

'My turn before we make it harder,' Marcus said as he took his bow and quiver, got in position and prepared his shot, managing to get a bullseye. 

'Great job, time to up the difficulty,' Lizzie said, pressing a button on a remote, making the target move around. 


'First, you have to have a good posture,' Jon explained to Chloe, helping her angle herself until she's in the right position. 

'Like this?' Chloe asked, following Jon's instructions. 

'Yeah, just a bit here,' Jon said, moving Chloe's arm to the right position. As Chloe turned her head, her lips met awfully close to Jon's, an inch closer and they's be kissing. Believe it or not, they were still flustered, they weren't that deep into their relationship, not yet at least. 

'I'm sorry,' Jon said again, turning around to hide the red blush that flushed his cheeks. 

'No, it's fine,' Chloe said, also turning around, getting into position and shooting her shot, managing to hit the target. 

'That was a good shot, but your aim needs to be slightly adjusted,' Jon said, reclaiming his calm, helping guide Chloe to the bullseye. 

'Right, of course,' Chloe said, trying to remember how she aimed when she was Her Highness Honey and Queen Bee. Shooting her next shot and landing it closer to the bullseye, but she still needed practice and Jon helped her. 


'You've done this before, right?' Damian asked Marinette as he sat in a corner or the room. 

'Yeah, I decided to learn archery 'cause it seemed cool,' Marinette admitted, shooting her shot and getting a bullseye, moving on to the side-to-side moving target. 

'Your skill's good, but you seem nervous, and it's messing up your ability to guess where the target would go,' Damian noticed and pointed out, a hint of warmth hiding in his cold tone and expression. 

'Yeah, it's just, there's you here and usually I do it alone, and I'm just nervous 'cause you're really experienced while I'm just a ro-' Marinette said, fumbling over her words slightly as she tried to say it all out before getting cut off. 

'Stop, wait, you're too nervous, you need to calm down, just count to ten or something, you'd probably be fine by then,' Damian said, trying to help Marinette. 

'Thanks,' Marinette said, turning to Damian with a smile that made him blush slightly, before counting to ten, calming down and shooting her bullseye and getting the moving target that moved everywhere. 

'Just one more shot,' Damian said, looking at Marinette and giving her the warmest smile he could which was quite warm. 

'Thanks,' Marinette said, making the shot, letting Damian take the bow and arrow, for his shots. Damian took a very short time and completed all the shots, impressing Marinette. 

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