'You're being too nice, someone like you deserves every good thing, especially after what Marinette did to you,' Alya said with a smile. So mesmerizing, the act so true and fake at the same time, an overlapping emotion that drives any normal person insane, a feeling so strong on both sides that making any choice is starting a war with yourself, no winner, just pain, at least, for those who can't handle it. 


'I'm so glad we're sitting on this side of the bus,' Rebecca said because the side where she and Vanessa sat had two seats in one row, meaning neither of them needed to sit next to Alya or Lila. 

'I'm not enjoying this place,' Jay said from across the aisle since he was sitting next to Lloyd and Lucy. 

'Because of them?' Rebecca asked while gesturing to Lloyd and Lucy who were really close. 

'They're still in that phase where they're all lovey-dovey, when two people just got together after having feelings for a long time,' Jay whispered from across the aisle. 

'I feel so bad for you, I cannot imagine if Vanessa started dating someone and was all over them,' Rebecca said with a comforting look at Jay. 

'I promise I won't abandon you,' Vanessa told Rebecca. 

'Are you sure about that? Once you get swept off you feet, you'd never come back,' Jay said, clearly having experience from Lloyd and Lucy's relationship. 

'I'd try my best,' Vanessa said, unable to counter Jay's argument. 

'Let me record this as evidence,' Rebecca said, taking her phone from her pocket to get proof of Vanessa's promise. 


'Students, most of you know what you'll be doing, but I'm going to explain for the exchange students,' Ms. Horris said before explaining, 'You can do all kinds of sports here, there's archery, dodgeball, soccer and others, you'll all also have to vote for what the tournaments going to be, just know that you can play other sports apart from the tournament sport.' 

'Tournament?' spread among the students as they exchange students wondered what Ms. Horris meant. 

'Students, every time we have a voting session to pick which sport will be the tournament sport, it will be a battle of the best, and some sports use groups, some don't,' Ms. Horris explained as she saw the confusion in most of the exchange students' faces, 'This paper here has a QR code where you all can vote for the sport that you want.' 

'Just a heads up to everyone, we have already collectively agreed on dodgeball to be this month's tournament sport, so if you pick anything else, your efforts will be futile,' Marcus said, making a small announcement to the students before everyone went to start the voting session. 

'Do you guys always pick something beforehand?' Marinette asked Damian, gesturing to the tournament sport. 

'Yeah, we usually follow a schedule, so we can do every sport,' Damian answered, slight blush creeping on to his face. 

'That's cool,' Marinette said, scanning the code to see the voting pole and voting for dodgeball. 


'What should we do first?' Marinette asked the group as they finished and got ready for sports. 

'Archery! I've always wanted to try that,' Chloe said as the group set off to the archery area. 

'Have you never done it before?' Jon asked Chloe while the group continued walking. 

'No, I'm the only one of them that hasn't,' Chloe answered as they arrived at the archery area. 

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