Chapter: 12

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'Life is but a dream,
We got history'

The weekend soon came to an end and Miyeon found herself being submerged in her studies. At the moment she was sitting inside the library doing her assignment given to her.

It was supposed to be done over the weekend, but her being her, she left it for the end and now she was regretting it. She would've left it undone if not for the fact of what her professor had said to her,

"Ms. Kim, I've seen your admission letter and resume. I must say I'm very impressed by it. I have high expectancies for you."

She slammed her head on the table and groaned, "Why would he say that? It's not even that tremendous and now I have to do my work up to the mark."

If she did not do her work to his expectations, she knew he would taunt her for the rest of the semester. At least that's what she heard about him. That he will be good with you till you do his assignments up to his expectations if not he-

"Miyeon?", she was brought out of her thoughts when she heard a familiar voice call out to her from behind.

She turned around to find Joshua standing in his usual attire, a blue t-shirt and trousers. He had his backpack on one arm while the other was occupied with a few books and his laptop.

"Oh hey Joshua!", she greeted him with a surprised smile and a nod.

"Do you mind me sitting here?", he asked directing to the seat in front of her. "All the rest of the seats are occupied right now and I need to complete my assignment."

"Sure. Go ahead.", he gave her a thankful smile and sat across her keeping his belongings on the table while he settled his bag on the chair next to him.

Miyeon looked back at her laptop screen continuing her work. Occasionally she would take glances at him finding his eyebrows furrowed and he kept biting his lower lip. He also kept bouncing his legs up and down.

"Is something wrong?", she asked him finally.

He looked up from his laptop screen surprised by her sudden question. "Oh yeah. Why?"

"Nothing you just looked lost and... yeah.", She stopped herself from talking about his leg bouncing.

She also tended to bounce her legs when something was bothering her or she was anxious and she never liked people pointing it out to her. So she refrained to not making him uncomfortable.

Joshua looked surprised by her observation and gave her a small smile, "I am just having some issues with this assignment. That's all."

"You need some help?", she offered politely.

"Aren't you busy?", he asked surprised by her sudden offer.

"I'm done with mine. If you want I can help you moreover I have nothing better to do.", she told him.

"If that's the case I would appreciate it so much.", he answered back.

She got up from her seat and walked over to sit next to him. He picked up his bag kept it on the table for her to sit and slid his laptop over to her.

"I have written it all I'm just having trouble in concluding it without making it sound like my own one-sided opinion.", he told her. She scanned over his assignment and nodded understanding his issue.

After a while, she slid his laptop back over to him. While she was looking over his assignment he started making notes for studying.

He read what she wrote while looking at him anticipating. He turned over to her with a big smile on his face, "Thank you so much. I appreciate this so much."

"Oh it's nothing. ", she grinned.

"I have been trying to complete this since yesterday and no concluding line seems to be perfect. This one seems what I was trying to write. Now I'm safe from Mr. Shin.", he told her laughing.

"It's no issue. If you want you can come to me for help anytime you want.", she told him, standing up and strolling back to her side to pack her belongings as he did the same.

"I'll have to hold you on that one then." he chuckled, slinging his bag on his arm. She nodded at his remark packing up her belongings. The two walked out of the library together making their way to the university building.

"When does your class start?", Miyeon asked him. He thought for a bit, looked at his clock then answered.

"In 10 minutes."

"Oh, same. Is it Ms. Kim's class?", she asked him.

"Yes. Let's just go together then.", Miyeon nodded at his offer and the two made their way to the class together while also exchanging their numbers.

That day Miyeon could say that she came to know the true, Joshua Hong.

Not the Joshua Hong who everyone calls handsome but good for nothing. Not the boy who was one of the hottest guys in their university that often gets overlooked amongst his friends. But rather, a boy who was Handsome yet clever. Someone who seemed to not care about others' opinions but cared a lot. Someone who cared about others a lot especially those close to him.

But she was not the only one who discovered something.

Joshua on the other hand realized that Kim Miyeon was far from what they portrayed her to be. She was not a girl with a silver spoon in her mouth. But rather someone who would work to have what she desires.

No one could have predicted that a small exchange in the library would bring a big difference to their destiny.

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