She nodded in agreement. Our parents went ahead to the castle, and I gestured for Iryna to follow. We walked beside each other and tried to hold some conversations, but we would sometimes get trapped with silence. It was almost like we did not have much to converse about.

I was relieved when I saw my sister-in-law with my second eldest brother. She went to Iryna, asking her questions about her trip. I slowed my steps to remain close Rowan.

"You are already dealing with problems?" Rowan whispered, holding back his chuckle. "How are both of you going to be together for eternity?"

"I only agreed to meet Iryna because our parents are constantly on my nerves. It is not like I have a choice," I clarified.

Ofrua was a thriving country that expanded throughout Aigrus, the large continent far from the rest of the world. Ofrua used to be quite small when my ancestors first had it, but after hundreds of years, our ruling only benefitted the nation. As a Marcellus, I was proud to be part of the monarchy. At the same time, I knew burden arose.

Just like every other country, the citizens emphasized greatly on heirs. The country continued to strengthen under my reign, but citizens continued to gossip about me having no family. It had been two years, and rumours sparked around the cities.

My parents grew anxious each day. I would hear my mother complaining, and my father ordered my brothers to help me on my workload in order for me to have spare time for marital arrangements. It was merely impossible to escape the traditions.

It was uncommon for royal members to choose their potential partner. For many years, we had always been paired with someone who could benefit us. It was a mutual advantage that I found ridiculous. A marriage would fail when it was based on materialism instead of true love.

"I should be grateful that both of you came, especially Alana," I smiled, glancing over at my sister-in-law who easily dealt with Iryna without a challenge. Rowan answered with a proud grin as he focused on his wife. She was a true hostess of the show.

Alana was the Princess of Edurim, a match that my mother planned for Rowan. After she gave birth to my nephew and niece, Ralphie and Aubrey, we gained a closer alliance with her father. All of it only seemed beneficial to me because I was in throne.

At twenty three, I took over as the King of Ofura. Before that, my father had trained me young by having me excel in different weapons and fighting with bare hands. Once I was done with my schooling, he gave me time to adjust then stepped down from the throne. I took over the royal matters, learning from my father daily to become a good king with my own mindset. Not the mindset that he placed on me.

My three brothers, Kian, Rowan, and Arlo, were all older than me and had qualities to be in throne. Rowan had a heir and was married. He could easily succeed, but my father insisted the throne to be passed to me. He believed I was the best successor out of everyone. I accepted it in the end after my brothers convinced me. They remained by my side to help with other duties.

Ofrua made enemies from smaller empires, but we also formed alliances to stabilize our home. Other places feared us. Some places tried to attack us, but we still remained the strongest of the entire continent.

Our citizens, including us, were British descendants. They settled in our country, and our family ruled as a monarchy to bring the empire to an expanding nation. Behind the doors, the sacrifice of making an empire shine was from the tough and ruthless nature of a ruler. My father was one of them.

He gave no mercy to anyone, especially those who betrayed him. He tortured his enemies until they gave up their secrets. Blood painted the walls. Screaming pain echoed the room. I saw and heard people cry in misery at the prison cells. Their eyes would turn bloodshot red, and their skin was bruised to purple. I was nearly left traumatized.

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