Miss you

436 26 2


The sound of the interview can be heard in a Television at a house.

"I promised that I will wait for her. And I will do even if I have to wait till my next life."

The Soloist's voice echoed in the room.

"You waited for me......And I waited for you..."

"Lets meet again, after 18 years....Jungkook!"


A regular evening with so much chaos, enthusiasm and joy.

Here comes the concert of the Biggest Soloist of Korea, Jeon Jungkook's Concert.

Ninety thousand people have gathered to see and listen to their favourite artist today.

The singer sang.......he sang the song he wrote in the memory of his love. He sang thinking about the every single memory they shared together eighteen years ago, which never faded in his mind. It hurts him......and even after years, the wounds are unhealed. Those will heal only the day he sees his love back to his life again.

He sang......while his eyes searching for that particular person in the crowd of thousands of people; still hoping to find her.

The concert ended after many hours of dancing, singing and performing.

The day was amazing........yet disappointing.

"Wow! The performance was amazing Kook. You did well!"

The co male singer hugged him and said.

"Thanks...." he whispered.

"What happened?"

"Not feeling well...."

"Go back home and take rest. Should I inform staff to call any doctor?"

"(Sigh) no need. Am just feeling low, not sick. I will leave now. See you Tomorrow. Good night."

He bid a goodbye to his co singer and left.


"Sir come in. I will drop you."

The driver said.

"You take the car at apartment. I need to go somewhere."

He replied and walked away covering himself with large black hoodie and mask.

He kept walking........kept walking until his legs dropped him to the Shinjang 441.

The road is crowdy. Nothing is left like it was eighteen years ago. No more silence, no more music of crickets....no more calmness, no more the glimpse of his love.

What was left there?

Just the sweet and sad memory of his love~

"Where are you Y/n.......I am literally dieing every single day.....please come back to me....I can't handle anymore. Because~"

A silent tear fell down his cheek.

"I miss you."


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