The beautiful night

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It was nine.

"You came so soon!"

You said to see Jungkook coming towards the bus stop. He set near you.

"Actually I have a late night show today. From 10 to 12. The owner gave me these cloths to wear while performing.
I came soon so that I may spend some time with you." He replied with a soft bunny smile.

"You are looking nice in this."

"Thank you."

It was a silence for a few minutes as both of you watched here and there on the lonely road.

"So......." you muttered.

"So......?" He asked.

"Amm....wanna walk along? I will take you to some good place. Wanna see?" You asked.

"Only if I could come back here safely on time." He giggled and replied.

"Trust me. I am not that type of ghost." You joked back.

"I believe you. Lets go."

Both stood up and walked inside the woods.

"It is dark here. I am scared a little Y/n"

He whispered.

"Don't worry. You shall see light after a few steps."

You walked inside wood along with him and reached a place where a cave was visible.

"Is this a cave?"


"Am I supposed to follow you inside?"



There were vines hanging down the cave. You flipped and opened the fring curtain of vines and walked inside along with him.

And he was mesmerized to see the beautiful scenario in front of him!


The cave took both of you towards a mysterious place. He witnessed a beautiful small river flowing in front of him. There were several beautiful flower plants, trees and shiny fire flies lightning the forest. The moon was looking very peaceful. Few swans were resting at the shore of the crystal clear river. Even the pebbles inside wee visible! Is was so clean.

It looked like a fairy land.

"How is here?" He asked.

"You like it?' You asked.

He simply nodded while looking at the view with wide and shiny eyes. You chuckled at his innocence.

"This is a secret place. Which I secured with my powers. People tried to destroy it for constructive purposes. I hid it here inside......and shifted it far away. We appeared here with my ghost powers. You travelled nearly 153 Kilometres right now to see this view!"

"Wow! It means we are so much away tight now! My god!" He was surprised.

"I have something to give you."

You walked away and plucked a pretty white flower which blooms at night only.

"This is for you......thank you for loving and believing me.....Thank you for being my friend and taking my loneliness away."

You put your hand forward and he looked into your ghost eyes with lots of love and other mixed emotions.

"Thank you.....I will always be there for you. I will always love you.

No matter who you are...."

he took the flower from your hand and pulled you closer.

"May......May I.....Kiss you?"

He asked.

"Will you be comfortable to kiss a ghost?" You asked.

"Lets try once. For me, you are Y/n. The Y/n who is alive, might not be in real life, but in my heart. I can feel you, I can see you, I feel special to be able to touch you. Please give me this opportunity.....once?" He asked.

"Sure.." you closed your eyes, just to feel the pretty pairs of lips of him on yours.


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