Ch.9 - Forward Unto Dawn

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"If the Titans are here... Then Pike will be here" Merrith reminded him as he began to smirk.

"I know... I'm watching Y/N right now, and he's brought Supergirl with him to assist" he chuckled, 'he always was good with people' he thought.

"Does he know? Who you really are?" Merrith asked with caution.

"He will know ~" his voice lowered a little, for too long he hasn't seen him, he had only heard more of him from his late Wife... If only he would've been alive to save his Wife and his older son - "I'll tell him everything... Along with telling him who their traitor is"


"Almost there, I bet Kid Flash was the one who got them spotted?" Supergirl joked, earning a chuckle out of Pike as he called back his rope dart toward him, back flip kicking a guard in the chin which gave him air before landing on the ground, back first, knocking him out.

"He never was good at stealth, how much you betting?" he asked her which she gasped at as she caught a fist from a guard.

"Oh really? How much I bet? Hmm... 20 Dollars" she knocked out the guard with her elbow, before she put her hands on her hips with a smug look on her face, earning one out of him too.

"Ha! 20 Dollars sure won't work for me but... Nothing wrong with having some Earth cash, might need it if it comes in handy" he shrugged.

"We'll wait and see" she winked, speeding past Y/N to save him from getting hit from behind. Though he'd already sensed the attack coming.

But it's instincts for Kara to save someone from unsuspecting attackers, she couldn't help it. He always found it cute, and for some reason? He still does.

The two exes approached the door after dealing with the guards that protected it, Supergirl quickly uses her x-ray vision to see beyond the door and instantly stops upon seeing only one person on the other side, back turned and everything.

"Is he in there?" Y/N asked Kara to which she looked at him.

"Yes, I think that's him, I don't see any firearms or weapons on him, though he might be hiding it with Lead" Kara replied, worried but enthusiastically positive about what she said.

"Alright... Let's go bag the bastard" Pike responded thoroughly, kicking the door open, Supergirl flew on in as Pike ran in after her.

The man standing behind his desk moved his head to the side a little as the latter moved on into his office room.

"I was expecting you two sooner than later to barge on in. I gotta say? I'm impressed with your teamwork, you really do well with people" he monologued.

"Cut the bullshit, I'm here to take you in alive! Be lucky I ain't here to kill you" Y/N snarled, getting closer to the desk before he ran into something that got in his way.

"He's locked himself behind an invisible barrier" Supergirl grumbled, before speeding herself over to it and began punching it. Over and over again, the energized field built up with energy and it responded with an outburst of energy, sending both the Assassin and the Heroine backwards a little. The barrier showed up with a blue hue around it not long after.

"Kinetic Energy Forcefield, curtesy of Incarnon Technology, perfected by our limited Terrem Scientists we still have... Well... I still have at least" the man spoke like he was proud of its positive results, it could withstand the might of a Kryptonian, though he wished it was tested under better circumstances.

"You better shut this forcefield off or I'm gonna-"

"And what? Kill me? You wouldn't kill your own blood would you son? The one who gave you life?" he scolded Pike, dropping information that made Y/N lost.

Our Hearts Never Divided: Ex-gf Supergirl x Ex-bf Male ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora