The Ice Palace gets fucked

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Today was a typical day for Guy.

Go to Western Nations, have fun toying with humans and remind them that they are weak as hell and shouldn't get too high on cockiness.

So, now he was taking a walk through the ice and snow that the northern continent was filled up with.

He could just use flight magic to get out of here, but he decided to take a walk for the fun of it. Besides, he had been pretty bored...

But his walk was coming to an end, the ice Palace Velzard made using her aura. This land that used to be filled with life had now been completely drenched with her aura, turning it into an icy wasteland no average person could survive in.

The question was... Why the hell did he feel a random ass aura coming from the palace. Hell, there were like ten of these random auras he'd never seen before.

Guy: What in the worl-


Guy, taken by surprise, instinctively stepped back as he saw the screen Infront of him.

The ice Palace blew up as a variety of magic and spells were casted, shattering it to bits.

It is to be noticed a note dropped Infront of him, but he was too shocked to notice it.

It was only when he comprehended what happened, looked at the note, and read it that he understood what happened.

Get cock blocked, Hobo looking Motherfucker.

-Sincerly, the True Dragons.

He had to admit, they had balls.

He wasn't even mad to be fair, just impressed they gathered enough firepower to blow the castle filled with Velzard's aura.

Even more impressive was Velzard probably allowed this, because no way in hell they could do it without her notice.

Guy: Welp, guess I'm homeless now.


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