Chapter 14

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It's finally summer this year I didn't have any subjects left which is very good, the day Karina and Giselle graduated we left school and went to celebrate, these days since it's summer I haven't been doing anything in particular apart from working, which by the way is what I'm doing now, it's not like I have anything else to do, I also work a couple of hours more now since as I said before I'm not doing anything, the owner of the store leaves when I come in since there are no other employees apart from me and her

I still have an hour left to go out, I think I haven't seen Karina in about 5 days, well we only see each other when we go to SM, sometimes I wish she stayed at my house, but I don't want to rush things either


Y/N I'm going
to see you

Rina I'm working

I still have left
one hour

Go home if u want

Well, today you are
going to have a special

-End of chat-

Just after receiving Karina's message someone entered the store so I put my phone away, the truth is that there are not too many customers, there is only the normal stuff, I attended to the customer and he left

-What a good employee this store has- Karina said as she entered the store.

-Why didn't you go home? – I asked her, Mrs. Song is calm but I can't relax, I don't want to lose my job.

-Well, I wanted to see you-she said, getting up from the chair where she was.

I was at the end of the store arranging some things, the store is not very big but what it did have was a very large window, so most of the store you could see except the back, although Mrs. Song said that she was going to install some cameras, but she didn't say when.

–Rina What are you doing? - I said, she was now where I was

-One thing- she responded, getting so close to me that she could feel her breathing.

She tried to kiss me, but I put my hand on her mouth preventing her from kissing me.

-Hey! - Karina said with a frown, she got angry

– If Mrs. Song comes in? She can fire me- I said, I was a little upset, I understood her, but I can't be doing that at work

-There aren't even cameras here- she replied.

-It's still not right, it seems that I'm the oldest, not you- now her expression had changed

–Oh, come here– my shift had just ended, Karina wanted to kiss me again, I pushed her away and went to where the lockers were, I'm going to take off my uniform.

Before she could close the door Karina pushed me and put our lips together. I didn't want me to stop, but Mrs. Song was about to come.

–Karina! What are you doing? Mrs. Song is going to come in any moment- I said as she pushed her away

–TN Where are you? – Mrs. Song said from outside the room.

-I'm changing, don't come in- I answered

-There are some boxes in the front that I want you to move. I'm going to be on the counter- she said. What am I going to do now? Karina was in here. How do I get her out here if she notices?

I'm going to have to change in front of Karina

-Wow- she said as I took off my uniform shirt, I guess she was saying that because I dance, my body is quite toned.

She approached and touched my abdomen giving me a small kiss.

-You won't even let me change- I told her while I finished changing me.

-How am I going to get out of here? - She asked

-Go out and stay in the back and while I bring her back here you go out- I told her as we left

–Have you finished yet? – Said Mrs. Song approaching where we were, I pushed Karina aside so she could leave, Mrs. Song did not notice and Karina was able to leave.

-Put these boxes back there, and then you can go- I nodded and did as she asked.

When I left the store I didn't see Karina so I assumed she had gone home, maybe she was angry with me, when I was going to turn the corner to my house she was there, I didn't say anything and neither did she, she just told me. I hold hands and we went on our way home

We arrived and I sat on the sofa just like her, we still hadn't exchanged any words

– Are you angry? - She asked

-No- I answered, well a little yes

-Don't lie- I knew she was asking me since we normally talked on the way home, this time it wasn't like that

-A little, but promise me you won't do it again- I told her.

-I just wanted a kiss, but I promise-she said, adjusting herself to put her head on my lap, while she played 'Gardenscapes'

–Rina, there are ways of doing things – sometimes I don't believe that she was actually older than me, since she doesn't act like that, I also understood why she acted like that, she is a little impatient, I haven't kissed her in a while.

-You sound like my mother scolding me- she said.

-Well, you seem younger than me because of the way you act, besides, I'm not scolding you-I answered.

-Don't you like the way I acted or what?- she said.

-If it were like that, I wouldn't like you- I said a little under my breath, I thought she hadn't heard me, but that wasn't the case, she stood up surprised.

-What did you say? - she said now paying attention to me

-Nothing, come with me to grab my charger-I said taking her hand making her get up from the couch.

–Why do I have to go too? – She asked, I said nothing and took her to my room.

When we were already in the room I pushed Karina making her sit on the edge of my bed, she was about to say something when I cut her by putting our lips together, the kiss didn't last long as I began to go down slowly leaving kisses first on her neck until then down to her clavicle, I had her held by the back so she wouldn't fall backwards, although she was already supporting herself with her arms, after leaving a couple of marks on her neck, she pushed me away and left she got up, took my hand heading to the end of the room, sat on my bed so that her back was against the wall, gestured for me to sit on his lap and I did.

-I like this thing about looking for the charger- she said, smiling.

After this I kissed her and we didn't separate until we were out of breath, she, already a little agitated, left a few kisses on my face while she hugged me, then we just stayed in this position, I had my head resting on her shoulder while we were still sitting on top of her she only had me hugged by the waist I knew she was using her phone since from time to time I could feel how she was sending messages, I was tired, I closed my eyes and fell asleep just with her holding me that way made me happy

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