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Y/N (Pov)

Today is Sunday and I have to present the dance at SM, yesterday Karina came home and we kissed there, but it was because she was sick on Friday, when Karina went shopping and came back, I felt something on my lips then yesterday I said 'let's approve it'

And yesterday I fell asleep again, but in Karina's lap and I was pretending to be asleep, but I almost fell asleep, well the point is that she wanted to give me a kiss and well, it happened, I'm going to tell Ningning and Winter

(❄️, Ning and you)

I have something
to tell

N: Hey

W: What happened
to you now?

Yesterday I
kissed Karina


W: Stop your
with jokes

I'm fr (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)

N: Are you talking of
Karina, the perfect girl
at school? leave your

W: Yes Y/N be fr.

So why i tell you
nothing if you're not
going to believe me

N: Well and how

I was putting
something to

And I pretended
to sleep

She wanted to
kiss me

And yeah that

W: keep living in
your cloud

I wont tell yall

N: nooo it's a joke

Right win?

W: mhm

-End of chat-

They don't believe me, rats, I'm not going to tell them anything anymore, come on, Karina sent me a message


Hello Y/N are
you good?

With what
yesterday I'm
more than fine


How are you?
Did i passed
you the fever?


It's a joke don't
get angry


-End of chat-

Oh, I already made her angry, well, nothing happens, she'll get over it later.

Today I was thinking about what I did yesterday, I can't believe I did that, the good thing is that I don't regret it and she didn't seem uncomfortable she was the one who kissed me first

I have been training a lot these days, but well now I left early for SM since the teacher told me to go early so I can fix things I fail at

-Hello Y/N, are you ready? -asked the teacher with whom I am going to dance

-Well, a little nervous, but nothing more- I answered.

-Your Korean has improved a lot- she said.

-Thank you, what are we going to do now? - I asked

-Now Seulgi and Irene are coming to see your dance- I nodded and just after she told me that, the two aforementioned Red Velvet members entered.

I greeted and started the training

I had never danced tutting before since I usually dance other types of dance

When we finished Irene and Seulgi approached

-Wow, you are so good that we could put you as a backup dancer and it would make no difference -said Seulgi.

-It's true, you dance very well- Irene added.

After this I thanked them and they also gave me a couple of tips, they also told us that they were not going to be able to be in the performance with the other trainees.

I think that this would be better since I wouldn't be so nervous, but since I already presented it and that way I'm more relaxed.

Trainees already began to arrive and my surprise was that I saw Winter enter the training room, she was left open-mouthed just like me, then Ningning entered and the three of us were surprised, first because they me and then that I was the one to present

Finally, Karina and Giselle came in and were surprised to see me there, the truth is I didn't feel nervous in front of them.

I finished the presentation and some girls looked at me a little strangely, I didn't understand why since I'm almost sure I did the presentation well

The teacher told me to go outside to cool off while she gave a lesson to the other trainees, I went out and went to the bathroom, when I arrived, I noticed someone came in behind me, I noticed a hand on my shoulder, I turned around and there she was, Karina

-Rina! Hello- I said

-Hello YN-she said with a smile.

-You did very well. But why didn't you tell me? - She asked a little annoyed.

-Oh Rina, don't be angry, you know I couldn't tell you- I responded.

-I'm not angry- she said, it was obvious she was angry

-Of course, you are, but that will be fixed in a moment- I said, approaching to kiss her lips. Before reaching for a kiss, I held her by the chin and before joining our lips, I turned her head and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

She now seemed even more angry.

-I'll see you later on the way out, if you want- I said and left the bathroom and headed to the training room from before.

When I arrived all the trainees were still there, I stood for a while when the teacher said that we could leave early today, they all started to leave and I went in search of the others

-TN Why didn't you tell us anything? - asked Ning

-Well, I couldn't tell you anything, and you didn't tell me anything either- I answered.

-Well, that's true- Winter said as we left, I said goodbye to Ning and Winter and went in search of Karina.

Just leaving SM someone grabbed my hand, I turned to look and it was Karina, I didn't say anything, she was taking me somewhere, she still had me holding my hand, but she was going ahead

She stopped when we were in a very dark alley, it was not far from the company or my house.

From one moment to the next she grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, bringing me closer to her and that's where she gave me a kiss. She was doing it better than before, it's different, she smelled so good, her skin was soft and so were her lips.

I wanted it to never end, I took her by the waist, bringing her closer to me and making our kiss more intense, she separated from me and went down to leave small kisses on my neck, from time to time she bit it lightly, it couldn't be that she was so perfect, she separated from me and finally gave me a little kiss

-I guess you're not angry anymore- I said, leaving the alley with her.

-I can't be mad at you- she said, intertwining our fingers.

Karina walked me home and I said goodbye to her.

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