Chapter 12

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Today is Monday, yesterday I was present at SM and I realized Ningning and Winter were also going to SM what a coincidence

As I always go to class with Ningning and Winter, now first thing in the morning they told us that about five minutes before recess some students are going to come to pick up some chairs from our class, the teacher didn't specify why, she just said that

–Hey Y/N, what if we do something? –said Ning while the teacher explained some things about the subject

– What  have you thought  now – said Winter

–What do you want to do Ning? –I asked, she knew that if she said that it was because she already had something in mind

–What if we make Karina jealous? So we can see if she really likes you or not – she said

-You can't think of anything good- Winter added

–First, how would we do that and second, if she gets angry with me it will be my fault– I answered.

–I'm sure Karina  will forgive you, well I thought that when the people who are going to come to bring the chairs, we can give them the ones back here so that we don't have so many chairs to be able to sit as usual during recess, so I would have to sit on your lap and we see the reaction Karina- let's see Ning's plan didn't sound so bad, also Karina knows that I don't see Ning as anything more than a good friend

I nodded and we continued paying attention to the class, five minutes before recess the students arrived and as Ning had said they took most of the chairs from the back of the class

At recess we usually sit in a circle around two tables now instead of having five chairs as usual there were only four, there were a couple of chairs left at the other end of the class so if they ask something we tell them they are too far away

Giselle and Karina have already arrived at the class and each one is in their respective seat, Ning sat on my lap, Karina just stayed close to me and didn't say anything like Giselle, obviously they did say hello, but they didn't ask anything about the chairs

After talking for a while Karina turned to look at the class and her eyes fixed on the pair of chairs that were at the other end of the class, I was not touching Ning in any way, my hands were away from her, no for no reason, it's just that I didn't want Karina to think anything, although I'm sure she already did since she seemed a little upset.

What I didn't expect was that Karina got up and went to get a chair at the other end of the class and put it next to Winter so that the chair was between Winter and Giselle.

-Look, Ningning, you can sit down now- Karina said, sitting where she was before, she looked upset.

–Thank you, Karina– Ningning said with a smile.

When Ningning went to sit down, Karina moved her chair closer so that our chairs were almost together, I turned to her, but she didn't do anything.

We kept talking as if nothing had happened, the only thing was that Karina didn't speak to me, I guess she's still mad at me, I'll talk to her later, I tried to grab her hand under the table, but at the moment there was contact between our hands took her away and put her on the table, that hurt

Recess ended and Karina and Giselle went to their respective class, in the middle of class I received a message, how strange


Come to the
bathroom below
your class

 What for?

I want to talk
with you

Why not when we
finish the classes

Because no

Well I'm coming

-End of chat-

I asked permission to go to the bathroom, Ning and Winter looked at me a bit strange since I don't usually go to the bathroom in the middle of classes, I went downstairs and there she was, standing with her arms crossed

–What's wrong with you and Ningning? – She said annoyed.

-Wow, not a hello or anything, you haven't spoken to me all day Rina- I said.

–Are you going to answer me or not?– I ask again

–Well, what is going to happen to me? Obviously, nothing – I answered

-It doesn't seem like it- she said, approaching me, she had a frown on her face.

-You know she's just my friend- I said, I know she was like that because of recess, but what else could she say to her? If she told her that Ning came up with it, she was going to get angrier.

–Then why was she on your lap?– She asked

–Are you jealous that she was there and not you? You know that she is just my friend and I don't think of her as anything more than that- When I said that, her expression changed completely.

-E-eh of course I'm not jealous- you can tell she's nervous I approached her and she only went back, she reached a point where she couldn't go any further back, she crashed into the wall

–Wh-what are you doing?– we were so close that we almost touched our lips

-Don't be jealous, I just want you- I whispered in her ear, I was going to separate from her when she cupped my face pulled me to her

-Then you are mine- she said, she was about to put our lips together when the bell rang.

-We can finish this later- she said and left the room.

On the way to class I couldn't stop thinking about what Karina had told me minutes before "You're mine" this kept repeating itself in my head

–Until you finally arrive– Ningning said when I sat down in my seat.

 –I was taking a walk– obviously she wasn't going to tell her what happened, one why she wouldn't believe me and two, if she believed it she was going to bother me.

-Karina looked pretty angry- Winter said.

-Yes, I guess- I answered.

–I think my plan worked one hundred percent – said Ning, I just laughed.

Finally classes ended and I went home, I thought Karina would write to me to go to the station together, but it didn't happen like that, in a while I'm going to have to go to SM, I guess I won't stop by the station since Karina hasn't text to me yet


I'm going to
your house

Imagine not

What would
you do?

Well go home

U not home?

Of course, I am
you do know
I'm not going
to nowhere

-End of chat-

Just after this the doorbell rang.

–Hello Ri- – I couldn't finish when Karina joined our lips.

-I've been wanting to kiss you for a while- she said, separating herself, I brought our lips together again in a small kiss.

-Me too my jealous girl - I said.

-I wasn't jealous- she said with a frown and arms crossed.

–Deep down, deep down, you know that you are– she gave me a little push between laughs and we left the house on our way to SM

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