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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


Sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings

The Sluthan, Sluthana, damon, Lorenzo, Farman, and Vanaram are in the war room

Damon said, " Jiji I know where they can be?"

Rajini asked, "Where is it?!"

" The old under construction western railways in Mumbai"

All just cursed seeing Ivan under their noses all this time 

Rocky said, " We are going to attack them tonight!"

" Tonight!!!"

Rajni " Yes tonight I can't even imagine what that bastard did to my kids and Anna so yes tonight VM Uncle"

" Yes Beti?"

" Get the Soldiers ready it's time to show all the people what will happen if they dare to mess with us!"

"Yes Beti"

With that, all went to get ready and get their weapons

Priya and Reena came inside Rajni just hugged them and said

"If i don't come back please look after my babies "

Reena and Priya are crying at this as they said

"Nothing will happen to u"

Rocky came inside and said

"Jaan it's time to go"

Reena and Priya hugged Rocky to as he just smiled sadly not knowing what would happen today but they knew for sure they were going to save their kids

With that, they left the KGF to save their kids

On other side

Ivan and his men started to wipe Krishna again and again the boy was not screaming once as he built a tolerance to all.

Victor said " He is not even flinching boss"

Ivan smiled cruelly saying

"Get the little sister of his"

Krishna hearing this shouted

"Leave my sister alone you bastards"

They just whip his harsh

Victor laughed cruelly and went to the cell

Khana and Anna started to hit him but he just pushed them aside and started to drag Katyayani with hair as she shouted in pain and hurt

Hearing her Shouts Krishna started to shout

When they both reach Ivan just hold Katyayani's face saying

Fall in love with the monster.........❤️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang