"Ooh~ What'd he say?"

"He said he would be waiting outside with an umbrella..I know it may seem weird but..I like the man. He caught my eyes the moment I saw him." Taehyung shook his head, driving down the road. "Me and my boyfriend started dating after the day we met." He stopped at a red light before looking over at the stadium where the concert was going to be held at. "Do you think he would want to date me? I mean..we are robbe-"

"Hey. None of that matters. Yes, we are on the run, but we do have to keep low." Sirens behind their car were heard as Yoongi looked back. "What the.." Taehyung pulled over and waited, placing the car in park. A cop walked up to the drivers window, knocking on it. Yoongi got the registration out just in case, holding them in his lap. And his license. Taehyung rolled the window down, both hands on the wheel. "What can I do you for today, officer?" he asked. Yoongi looked at the cop, then forwards. "Wanted to tell you your light is busted on the back. Be careful out there, it looks like a storm is coming."

"Thank you, officer."

"Have a good day now." Taehyung rolled the window up once the cop left. Yoongi stayed quiet and put the registration on the car back in the compartment and looked over at his friend. "I thought we were going to get recognized for a second there. We need to be more careful." Taehyung hummed softly, putting his car in drive as he pulled onto the road slowly, the windshield wipers on to wipe away the rain. "Look, we made it just in time." Yoongi unbuckled his seatbelt once his roommate parked, looking out the windshield to look for Agust. And there he was, like he said, holding an umbrella to keep him safe and dry. "Go on, I'm meeting my boyfriend here." He nodded, getting out as he ran towards Agust, mainly to get out of the rain. Yet, he stopped in front of him. Watching smoke blow out from under the material.

"Agust?" he asked, his body getting soaked from the rain. Agust glanced up, dropping the cigarette he had, crushing it with his shoe. "Come on, let's get you inside real quick where it's dry." He led Yoongi into the stadium, closing his white and blue striped umbrella as he shook the water off, holding onto it. "You're going to be cold, you don't have a change of clothes?" Yoongi looked at Agust, raising an eyebrow. "Oh- yeah! It's in my bag.. I just need to find a restroom to change in." He looked around and found a restroom, walking into it as he placed his bag down, opening it as he started changing into a white shirt, a floral button up, and ripped jeans along with new socks and shoes. Fixing his long hair, he placed a necklace around his neck, hearing the bathroom door open. Looking to the door, he saw Agust standing there. "What's up?" Starting to dry his other clothes with the dryer.

"Concerts about to start."

Agust helped Yoongi wring his clothes out and dry them, putting them neatly inside the clear bag. Noticing something odd, he took it out. "What's this?" He held up a small device. Yoongi snatched it, throwing it away. "It's broken. I don't need it." he lied. Putting his bag around him and walking out to where the stadium would be. Agust took the device out and looked at it, watching the red dot flash. He hummed and placed it inside his pocket, getting through security with ease, catching up to Yoongi. Yoongi looked at Agust and smiled, looking back forwards. The sky cleared not a moment later, meaning the show could go on. Yoongi let out a giant gasp, fanboying on the inside when his idol walked on stage.

Agust chuckled, taking out the device he found earlier and looking at it. He turned it around, confused. Just a small device flashing red. He shrugged, throwing it behind him as he heard it smash on the ground. Yoongi looked back, seeing the smashed device then looked at Agust. "What was that?" he asked. Agust shrugged. "Just some random stuff I had in my pocket." Yoongi squinted his eyes, then looked forwards. Enjoying the concert.


"So, how did you like the concert, Yoongi?" Agust asked, his arm wrapped around Yoongis shoulder. Walking towards the VIP section. Yoongi licked his lips. "I loved it, I got to see my idol way up close. Thank you..I want to repay you." Agust shook his head, patting his shoulder then stood in front of him. "You don't need to, it's the least I could do for my friends biggest fan." Yoongi stared, blinking a couple times. He was handed a shirt, looking at it. It was signed by RM himself. His eyes lighting up in excitement. "No way! Pinch me, I must be dreaming! Thank you, Agust." he mumbled, hugging the cop tightly. Agust raised his eyebrows, moving his hand to pat Yoongis back a couple times. "No problem, bud. No problem."

"Taehyung will be sooo jealous-" His phone rang, picking it up as he placed it up to his ear. "Hello? What?! How did you- Tae- Taehyung slow down! Oh my god. What the hell do you mean, you got a private meeting with RM?" he covered his ear with one hand. "WHAT?! No way! It's like one of your- Hold on." He looked at Agust, "Sorry, Taehyungs ranting and being really excited."

"No worries. While he's busy with that, did you want to see my place?" His head tilted, then nodded as he went back to his phone call. "Tae? Yeah- Tae what the hell, you can't just tell him about that!" He walked out with Agust to his car, groaning softly. "Tae. I won't be coming home with you, I'm hanging with Agust.. no we are not going to have sex, we just met! I don't care that you and your boyfriend did on the first date, you guys have been dating for 2 years now, get the fuck engaged and move in together." Agust chuckled at how Yoongi was speaking with a pout, opening the passenger door for him. Yoongi got in and started scolding Taehyung. "You better not be reading that to him, he'll know about your account and then get weirded out- HE WHAT?"

Agust got in and started the car, driving off. "Taehyung- hyung- HYUNG listen to me! Next time we meet one of our idols, you cannot tell him about your account! Or anything!" He heard laughter over the phone. "I'm hanging up now, goodbye." Yoongi had hung up, letting out a deep sigh. "Sorry."

"No, no. No worries. It seemed very important." Agust teased. Yoongis eyes rolled, staring at the roof of the car. "He apparent had gotten a private meeting with RM, told him about his account for his fanfiction, RM said it was cute and now I think that they're going to go out." Yoongi sighed. Agust laughed. "I wouldn't be surprised. Namjoon can date with his company. It doesn't matter honestly. Now you, you are a special one baby."


"Yes, you fluff ball." Yoongi blushed a shade of red, looking out the window. "Thank you.."

"You're welcome. Hang on tight, we're going fast."

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