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Arrg! Why mom? Why? Sometimes I wish they gave birth to another child so that their concentration goes on them! It's been an hour and she's still talking with him regarding me. How can she not understand that I am a doctor too!

"Ji beta. I will do it. Bye. " She finally disconnected.

"Done talking ? Help me I need to go pee." I said to which she just rolled her eyes.  Hes doing all this for you class from mom got me irritated but I didn't let her know. I did get cast on my foot to avoid any further damage.

"Your 1 week off is over. Just write your exams and come back home. " My mom instructed. Of course this is said by the great Dr Amogh.

With two working hands and not so working brain,foot I somehow completed my 2nd year. Although these exams are not as important as 3rd yr ones,  I aim to please my hod to relieve from stress. My 3rd week post fracture started and it's getting difficult to manage physiotherapy and cases. Our emergency duties where we work at neonatal wing is taking a toll on me. My foot feels comfortable now but it's still weak. I hate to say but I wish I get a massage at end of the day. One week into my final year I am very excited and extremely tired. I saw him looking at me and my foot when we both had duties in neonatal emergency ward. I still don't get why he's always wanting to talk with me but no interest to actually interact .

" Hey! We are going for a snack. You want to join?." Kasturb asked . Looking back at PICU I nodded no. He assured me to get something tasty when he returns back.

" How is your foot?." I heard Dr Amogh speak as I walked past him.  Standing in my place I asseses if I heard him or it's my delusion.

" How is your foot?." He asked me again. I nodded and mumbled a small ok. Every pg present in the ward looked at us anticipating what's going to happen next.

" Physiotherapy?." He questioned.

" I don't get time." I replied. He just hummed walking past me. I know it's not good reason to give,  what can I do? I can't miss my posting nor I can go to Dr shubash who's hell bent on flirting with me. Thankfully my juniors keep him busy with their flirtious way of talking that he's not behind me anymore. People here especially men are busy finding a girl to get married as soon as she completes her MD. Soon all my cases for the day are done. While coming out of the ward someone held my hand dragging me with them.

"What? Amogh?." I called as he turned back to look at me with shocked expression.

"I..I meant Dr Amogh sir. " I corrected myself. He didn't budge rather dragged me to a room. Made me sit and held my foot in his hand.

"Hmm.. slightly swollen. I see." He talked to himself walking to fridge kept in the room. Observing the surroundings I realized he brought me to physiotherapy room. Ice held in hands, he gently placed it on my foot before doing movements.

"You need to take care of yourself. I will help you with physiotherapy. " He said looking at me. That's sweet of him.

"I will ask Dr Shubash-" I said but he cut me off.

"I will help you. " He spoke sternly.

"What i meant is, I will ask him to assign one of the pgs. I am sure it can be arranged. " I completed. He's not well versed with these excercises.

"You possibly can't be all rounder. " I chuckled mumbling lowly.

"I can be anything for you. " He muttered making my heart flutter. Composing myself I bent down to help him, he looked at me probably thinking I will kiss him. I smiled while he blushed. Handing over resistance band he made sure m doing it right way.

"Good, you do this thrice daily. Buy new shoes. Who wears flip flops?." He scrunched his nose .

"Excuse me! I bought them with my stipend! By the way, you need to remember Dr Amogh sir that we are not allowed to wear shoes inside surgery rooms, ICUs-" I was cut off by him.

"I have ordered new ones for you. Try them, if it doesn't fit let me know I will return. " He casually mentioned. With anger I grabbed his phone only to see that he ordered most expensive Nike shoes!

"I don't think i can afford these sir!." I whined looking at the price. Am sure my friends will suspect if they see me wearing these around.

"Like you can't afford buying Harry Potter for Yug?." He asked me folding his hands over his chest.

"But that's Yug! He loves books. " I justified.

"I really hope he loves his academic books too." Amogh mumbled.

"See sir, I can't afford them to wear here. Moreover people get suspicious if I wear so expensive shit! They might steal too!." I raised my voiced thinking about all the scenarios.

"Shhhh! You will create a scene now. It's not 10pm yet." He whispered. I stayed silent doing my physio while he looked at my face and foot trying to understand level of pain am going through. He has a way of showing affection but doesn't like to name it. Cares for me immensely but do not want anyone to point out. Can't see me troubled but doesn't say why.

"You are an introvert sir." I mumble which is on my mind. He raised his eyebrows as I stood in my place.

"You shouldn't jump like that! You are so dumb!." He shouted checking my foot.

"Who's there?." Guard shouted who's on rounds.

Dr Amogh walked to entrance opened the door, guard saluted him as he spoke something. All I could hear was yes sir ok sir.

"Listen, I will order two pair of shoes. Wear any one of them. It's normal that you buy new ones after you are injured. Let's go out. I don't want people to think otherwise. Walk slowly. " He instructed in his professor tone. As soon as we came out guard smiled at me and locked the door.

"She will come here for physiotherapy. Let her in whenever she wants." Dr Amogh spoke as guard nodded like robot. I punched out my attendance and booked cab. Kasturb being lazy ass forgot to get my scooty repaired ,it's still standing near that Cafe God knows in what condition. Dr Amogh rolled down his windows .

"You go sir. My cab is on the way. " I spoke before he says anything.

"We are off duty now. Don't call me sir. Get inside!" He commanded making me groan.

"You can't boss me around like you own me! Stop being so familiar when you-" I almost said it, almost. With hard glare he just left me. Soon my cab arrived, all the way home my mind went back to that day when he decided for both of us. At first I thought he's joking but then realization dawned upon me when reality hit me hard.  He can be anything for me but what's he expected to be, he never was.


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