"We're married." (The wedding! {15}

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——————————————————————————-The music started. I was at the alter ready to see tubbo walk out in a white suit. i smiled when I saw tommy, Phil and techno walking to my side of the alter, Tommy hugs me, Phil Moved hair from my face and whispered "my son you'll be great." I was so happy to hear that he called me his son. Techno smiles and held my hand with a small bow I giggled a bit as he walked away behind Phil, all three behind me.

I smiled when I saw aimsey walking out with the flower and walking to me, she slapped my butt and we all laughed before I hugged her "what did it feel like being our flower girl?" She smiled and looked at me happily "I loved it!" I smile lightly "good." She walked into the crowd and sat down. That's when I saw him, I saw tubbo walk out in a white suit with a black and purple tie.

He smiled at me as he walks down the isle I couldn't help but cry even a little bit he looks at me and smiles as he walked in front of me and held my hands. I look at Scot our priest  "mr. Beloved, Do you take tubbo underscore as your lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"  I looked at tubbo with tears in my eyes "yes, yes I do." He smiles at me "mr. Underscore?" , "I do." I smile and hold his hands tightly.

I couldn't help but cry, he looked so beautiful and I love him so much. He looked at me and wipes my eyes. "You can kiss your groom." The priest smiles as he says I smile at tubbo and kiss him gently, tubbo being him he pulled me into the dip before hearing Tommy scream "HEY HEY TMI-" he pulls away and we both laugh.

"Tubbo.." he looks at me with a wide smile "yes my love?" He smiles I look at him and hug him whispering in his ears "we're married.." he smiles lightly "i know.."


Tubbo x ranboo cute royal au story!✨👍Where stories live. Discover now