"W-what did u do to papa?!" {5}

113 4 2

Warning: kissing, crying, sensitive subjects

Tubbo pov:

J.s opened the door seeing me and ranboo cuddling I stare him in shock "f-father it's not what u think pls don't-" He then pushed me off ranboo And grabbed ranboo by the shirt "listen kid u make him happy we will be on ok terms u hurt my son I will kill u and sell ur organs and blood." He stares at ranboo with a ferm look I look at my father confused "I-I didn't think u cared about me.." I mumbled "ofc I do tubbo I don't show it but I care." He was acting he thought ran didn't know what was happening but he did Ranboo hugged me tightly And stared at j.s I felt his fist clench and I rubbed it to calm him down "calm.." I whispered into his ear "if u hurt my son... be ready to melt in hell." J.s said staring at my lovely boyfriend I saw my papa (big Q) outside the door with bruises and Scars and he was bleeding in the head.

"W-WHAT DID U DO TO PAPA?!" I question my father he stares at me then back at my papa Q runs into the room trying  to calm me down hugging me and he cupped my face "it's alright my dear I'm ok papa's fine.." he mumbles I hug my papa tightly and stare at j.s with a deadly glare in my eyes He rolls his eyes and walks out the door "w-what did he do to u..". I ask shaking in his hands "nothing to bad my love.." he whispers "papa I wish dad wasn't like this!" I Yelp and start to tear up again "I know I know.." he mumbles ranboo picks me up and holds me tight I heard a camera Take a picture I stare at my papa. "I need to use the bathroom one second love." I say giving ranboo a soft smooch before leaving the room I walk to the bathroom my father follows after he then grabs my neck I feel the air slip away from my throat I try to kick him away "STOP MOVING!" He shouts I grunt and stop moving staring at him pleading him to stop.

I hear ranboo bang on the door till the lock brakes and He runs in and pulls me out of my fathers hands "U TOUCH TUBBO AGAIN AND SO BE IT I WILL GO FULL ENDER ON UR ASS BITCH." He yells at my arrogant father. My father scoffs "hah! Try me bitch." He says with a smirk I want to slap him so hard right now but I know if I do things will be worse.. Ranboo picks me up I'm to weak to even stand rn He lays me down on my bed and cuddles with me I hear his light breathing it soothes me to sleep.


Tubbo x ranboo cute royal au story!✨👍Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora