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A few weeks passed since the decoration ceremonies and the attack. I had been to and from the capital a few times on minute missions that kept my brain occupied rather than letting me sit and ponder about my sorrows and memory loss. Every time I thought I was starting to get better, I plummeted back down to square one again and couldn't get out of my own thoughts.

Speaking of thoughts, I couldn't get Captain Fuegoleon out of my head. Because of that, I'd managed to visit him on one of these small missions. He was still very much in a coma, but nonetheless stable despite losing an arm. Before I'd concluded my visit, I briefly held his hand and silently prayed for him to get better.

I sighed, rubbing both of my eyes with the palms of my hands as I walked down the corridors of the Magic Knight's Headquarters. My day had been long and boring, given that all I'd done was speak with other squad representatives about plans of defense around our border towns in the forsaken realm where other countries could easily attack us. Each squad had to have a say in how our defenses were being handled, even though as it stood, the Black Bulls currently played no part in the actual defense when needed. Not that I minded it, it was just boring. But I always somehow found a way to take charge in these meetings or give some great input that went over well with the other reps. I was starting to make a name for myself in the Magic Knights, and that made me happy. To say the least, I was really tired.

I wasted no time in jumping in the shower to cleanse myself, afterwards drying my long, purple locks and putting on a nightgown that was provided to me recently. It was a satin grey slip dress that hugged my thighs perfectly. To be honest, it was quite... Sexy. I was surprised to see it set in my quarters the last time I'd been here. Either way, it was comfortable and I wasn't complaining.

Just as I was about to settle in to bed, I heard a few quick, short knocks on my door. It startled me at first since it was so late, but I had my suspicions. I quietly crept my way over to the door to peek through the peep hole to see none other than an already flustered royal waiting on the other side. His arms were crossed and he was antsy as he kept looking around, mostly likely trying to make sure he wouldn't be seen. That bastard... He's crawling back for more I see...

As soon as I turned the doorknob and started to pull it open, he pushed it open and forced his way in, quickly shutting and locking it behind him. But before I could say anything I was pushed against the wall. Hard. His lips met mine without a word and I had no choice but to grip on to his hair tightly as he anxiously kissed me. Nozel's hands snaked around my waist and gripped me tightly, seemingly pushing himself against my body to create as much friction as possible- he must really want to touch me, or rather, be touched.

"I'm in control tonight," he mumbled between kisses and grunts. One hand then gripped the back of my neck as he moved down to the side of my cheek, then to my neck, finally letting me gasp for air.

I managed to laugh a bit even though I was very much out of breath. "Th-throwing consent out the window tonight I see?"

That made him freeze. The royal then lifted his head to look me dead in the eyes. "Is this okay?"

The question made me blush intensely, because to me, consent was the hottest thing a man could do in bed. "Y-yes of course! But-"

"Then shut up and stop complaining," he said aggressively, suddenly pulling me even closer as he kissed my neck yet again. He frequently took large areas of skin between his teeth and gently nibbled on me and occasionally taking a larger chunk of skin to bite, sending my senses into a frenzy. Part of me didn't want to give him the satisfaction of making me moan, but it was just so good that I couldn't help but let out a few whimpers.

When his fingertips lightly brushed against my arms, leaving the sensation of being lightly tickled before slipping the straps of my gown over my shoulders, I almost lost it. Almost. My only article of clothing had been removed in an instant, and it hadn't even been two minutes since he barged in without a word. I hated that he still had all of his clothes on.

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