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Important: If you skipped the disclaimer chapter, please be aware that there are trigger warnings I'd still like to be made known like the presence of sex and smut, violence, themes of PTSD, and abusive relationships. Thank you and enjoy!


When I awoke, it felt as if I'd just had an awful night terror. Sweat beaded off of my forehead, my palms were clammy, and my whole body trembled with... Fear? Panic? Anger? I wasn't sure. Maybe it was all three, or maybe it was none of them. My only predicament was that I couldn't remember for the life of me what that nightmare was. Remember... Something about that word struck a cord within me, triggering the feeling that I should be remembering something. Something important.

Suddenly, my hearing started coming back to me. My ears were ringing and I felt a terrible pain on the right side of my face. The sensation of tears falling down my cheek became eminent, and I felt a pair of hands, maybe even two, attempting to rouse me. My body was wet and cold. Maybe that was why I was trembling. I tried to open my eyes, but was only met with the image of blurred light on the left side, and a line of blackness on the other. Something's wrong... My vision... Why can't I... See...

But those thoughts were forgotten as I slipped back into my unconsciousness.

Over the course of the next few... Minutes? Hours? ...I kept hearing frantic voices beside me every so often as I drifted in and out of my awareness.

The next time I came to, all was quiet and seemingly peaceful. I wasn't sure where I was now, but I unconsciously knew that I was safe somehow. My body laid on something soft and warm, and I could hear the sound of something crackling beside me. The pain in my face that was once there was now gone, and all that was left was a dull, overall ache in the rest of my body.

I once more opened my eyes, this time being able to conjure up a clear image of what was before me instead of a huge blur. I was staring at a stone ceiling of sorts, with brick walls and a small, simple window. I was laying in a bed with a mattress that was hard and lumpy, but the soft blankets and sheeting I was coddled in made up for it. There was a fireplace a few feet away that was emitting both heat and a warm light. As I continued to look around the room more, I realized that half of my vision was black, and I couldn't see anything on my right side. I brought my right hand up to my eye, ensuring that it was indeed open.

But before I could react to the fact that I was half-blind, I heard a female gasp beside me, presumably from a doorway that was just out of my peripheral vision on the side I couldn't see out of. Then there were hurried footsteps, and I felt two gentle hands on my raised arm.

"You're awake!" cried a gentle voice, and I could tell she was eager to hear me speak.

Turning my head as far to the right as I could to see the face of who was there, I found myself gazing up at a gorgeous nun with fair, pale skin and eyes a lovely shade of teal. There was a beauty mark under her left eye, and she wore an expression of both worry and relief. "You're awake!" she repeated, her voice quiet and like a song, "Thank goodness!"

I managed to clear my throat and speak hoarsely, "What... H-happened?" Barely even able to get the words out, the nun handed me a small glass of water and assisted me in lifting my head to take a few sips.

Once I was comfortable again, the nun began to tell me everything. "You were found unconscious quite a ways away, washed up on the side of a riverbank. Your body wasn't terribly wounded, but your right eye was bleeding and you were in and out of consciousness for a week. Honestly, it was lucky one of the boys living here at this church found you. You might not have made it otherwise."

I rested my head back against the pillow again, feeling that my neck was in pain from straining it so little. "I see..." I trailed off, bringing my hand to my eye again. "I guess that's why I can't see on my right side. Something terrible happened to it..."

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