"I'll decide what the point is, fool!" the warden exclaimed then he grabbed the first soldier and threw him over the railing and into the water.

"Ahhh!" the soldier screamed as he fell and the other soldier watched with wide eyes.

"You! Wake up the Captain! Search the entire rig!" the Warden ordered the soldier in front of him.

"Sir." the soldier said to get his attention.

"What?" he questioned getting more annoyed.

"That was the Captain you just threw overboard, so..." the soldier said cautiously.

"Then wake up someone I haven't thrown overboard and search the rig. There's something going on here, and I don't like it," he commanded.

~With the Gaang~

They hid in the middle of a bunch of crates so that it would cover them up while they devised a plan.

"We don't have much time. What are we gonna do?" Sokka asked them.

"I wish I knew how to make a hurricane. The warden would run away, and we would steal his keys." Aang said with a smile while Luna and Sokka just gave him a 'really?' look.

"Wouldn't he just take his keys with him?" Sokka asked like it was obvious.

"I'm just tossing ideas around." Aang reasoned.

"Aang, I appreciate you trying to come up with ideas, but a hurricane won't help up here. If it could then I would've already made one by now. This isn't our fight to win, we're not the people who've had their spirit stripped away from them. They won't accept the help of others, instead, they need to see that there is a way for them to help themselves." Luna explained.

"For that, they'd need some kind of earth or some rock, something they can bend." Sokka pointed out.

"But this entire place is made of metal," Luna said as she felt the coolness of the hard metal floor.

"No, it's not. Look at the smoke. I bet they're burning coal. In other words... earth." Aang told them as realization hit him when he saw the dark clouds of smoke float up into the sky.


"It's almost dawn are you sure this is gonna work?" Luna asked her brother as they stood at the top of one of the many vents.

"It should, these vents are all connected. There's a huge deposit of coal at the base of this island and the whole system is ventilated. Aang closed off all the vents except one. When he does his air bending it will lead the coal right back here.

"There's the intruder!" A soldier called Luna and Sokka were now surrounded by guards and the prisoners watched.

"Luna, stop. You can't win this fight." Tyro tried reasoning with her while all the other prisoners looked at her with sadness as they remembered the way they believed they could escape here.

"Listen to him well child. You're one mistake away from dying where you stand." the Warden said as he made his way to stand in front of them at a distance while watching his soldiers move in closer to trap the two siblings.

Just then the vent began rattling and a fountain of coal spouted out of it with Aang and Momo following once it stopped.

"Tyro you're wrong. If I wanted to win this fight, then I would've already done it. But this isn't my fight to win, I am not the one who was taken from my family and put into a prison where my spirit was broken. Earth represents the strength to stand your ground and not move when hardships are thrown at you. That's what earth benders learn when they start their training. Face things head on or it won't work. Is that still who you are? Are you still strong people who will stand their ground in the face of danger? Or are you what they want you to be, scared, helpless, victim? You can stand here and wait for the war to end or you can do your part by helping end it yourselves." Luna spoke with defiance in her tone. She meant every word that she said and she could see how the people were looking at her.

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