04: The Horans

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"YAY!" Caspar said "NO!" I said. "We are going and that's final." Our dad said as I sighed, going to my room while Caspar cheered. See, the thing is me and Caspar are complete opposites. I say no, he says yes. I say stop, he runs. I say black, he says white. We're like hot and cold, inside and outside, light and dark, up and down, left and right, open and close. Complete opposites.

In all honesty, I was kinda excited to see how everyone turned out. If Luke's still a breadstick, if Dove is still a book worm, if Ashton's still a sarcastic little shit, if Marlena still, well, I don't know. I didn't get to know her, so I hope I get to know her now. She seemed cool, but she kept hanging out with Ashton, so I couldn't hang out with her, and because I kept playing video games, but that don't matter.

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