Chapter 6-Rain and More Rain

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We didn't plan to stay in Kakariko long, but one day turned into three, three turned into five, and five to nine.

The village was just so peaceful that we couldn't help but relax and sink into it. By our last day, we knew everyone's names and promised the children we would come back soon to play hide-and-seek.

I felt a tightness in my chest, already missing these people we were going to leave.

Yesterday, Link went to visit Impa alone to find out where we were to go next. Apparently, the divine beasts were acting up in four different places.

Link wanted to first go to Zora's domain since it was closest, and I didn't argue. I'd always wanted to go to Zorah's domain and see it's architecture. I'd heard it was beautiful and the Zorah race was incredible. I'd never seen one in person, but I knew they were fish people with incredible skills like swimming up waterfalls.

Now we slowly left Kakariko, lingering long enough to say goodbye. Soon, we were well along on the road to Zora's domain.

There was an ever present dullness to the place, so grey and cold. Nothing like how I'd pictured it when I read about the place.

The closer we got, the colder and damper it seemed to get. Soon there was heavy sheets of rain relentlessly coming down on us.

I shivered involuntarily, uncomfortable with my traveling clothes sticking to my soaked skin. Rain rolled down my back and stuck in heavy droplets on my hair. This whole experience was miserable.

Link didn't seem to notice the rain, though it dripped from his blond waves and fat drops traveled down his face.

He cast a quick glance over his shoulder and made eye contact with me. We were riding on Epona and I clung to his back, latching myself on the only source of heat I could get.

Link saw my rattling teeth and shuddering against the icy rain, his brows immediately wrinkling in concern. "We can stop, for a bit." He offered.

I shook my head, wanting to keep going and cover as much distance as possible.

But Link shook his head, too. "No." He said. "No. You need rest—and warmth. You'll get sick."

He turned around to navigate Epona towards a cluster of trees. The rain was still coming down under them but the leaves deflected most of the drops.

I stayed on the horse but Link swiftly hopped off, pulling an assortment of items out of his saddle bag.

I had no idea what he was doing, but after a few minutes of watching his quick movements, I had an idea.

He had tied a rough blanket to the trees, making a sort of ceiling over us so no water fell. Soon there was a fire sparking and Link was rushing to get me off the sopping horse.

"Come on," he said gently while carefully lifting me off Epona. The way he carried me a delicately touched me, like I was incredibly fragile, seemed strangely intimate, causing a blush to crawl up my cheeks.

"You look really cold, (y/n). Here, take off your wet clothes. It will help."

I raised an eyebrow. "You want me to...take off my clothes?"

Link blushed scarlet and stuttered out a response. "N-no not l-like that. I-I mean your c-coat and stuff. Please leave the rest on."

I laughed. "Linky, I was messing with you! I know what you meant."

He awkwardly laughed a little, his face still flushed.

I unbuckled the many belts that adorned my traveling tunic before pulling it off to. I had an undershirt on under it but it was thin. Another wave of shivers coursed through my body when the wind cut through my undershirt to my bare skin.

Gritting my teeth, I pulled off my boots and took off my pants, but making sure to leave the thick leggings I wore underneath them.

Link, too, took off his soggy clothes. Except he didn't have an undershirt on so his bare chest was showing. I avoided looking—for whatever reason—but couldn't help but notice how tan and strong he was. His arms were lean and when he mindlessly poked at the fire with a stick, I noticed his muscles flexing slightly under his skin.

Maybe I had been looking for too long because he dragged his eyes away from the fire to look at me.  He caught my gaze and smirked, making pink rise up the points of my ears.

Instead of being it up, though, he said something else. "Can you tell me about Hateno Village? That place seems so...familiar but it frustrates me that I can't remember it."

I cocked my head. "You want to know about my life there? Are you serious? I live in the most boring place in Hyrule and you—you travel everywhere!"

He nodded. "I do. But I always wonder what it would be like in one place. For years. Settle down, you know?"

I did know, except that was the opposite of what I wanted. I had settled down, but thirsted for adventure. Link, on the other hand, had never lived in one place for long and wished for the simple routine of everything.

"I can see you settling down after all this 'conquer Ganon and save everyone from evil' business is over. Would you...settle down with anyone? Do you have someone special you met on your journeys?"

A strange pang hit my stomach, though I didn't know the reason for it. I don't even know why I asked, anyway. It just slipped out.

It would make sense though for Link to have a girlfriend, he was kind and funny and sweet and handsome and—

"—no. I don't have anyone. Maybe someday."

Oh. Why did this make me happy? That was awful. Why did it bring me joy to know that he was alone?

I cleared my throat. "You will. I'm sure there are plenty of girls just swooning over the hero of Hyrule. Anyways, my life in Hateno was incredibly boring, but if you really want to hear about it, here it goes..."

Yeah so my bad guys. My bad. Sorry for not updating, I, uh, sort of forgot about this book for a couple weeks.

I was busy, okay?

My bad.

Anyways here's your long awaited chapter and hopefully I'll have the next one out soon. Have a rest of your day and happy first day of October!

—Paya :)))

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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