Chapter 3-Bombshells and Offers

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"Link?" I asked, confused and a little bit delighted he hadn't left yet. "You're still here?"

"Yes, I'm just leaving n—"

"Can it, Linky! You aren't leaving yet and we both know why!" Purah turned to me, shifting her previous glare to a wide smile. "Well, hellooo,
(Y/n)! Just who I needed to see!"

I scratched the back of my head. Purah never was this happy to see me unless I brought monster cake or...

"I need you to do me a huge gigantical wonderful favor!"

...she wanted something.

Link shook his head vigorously. "Purah, I said no. I can't risk it. Too dangerous. You know that!"

Purah scrambled onto the nearest chair and slapped a hand over Link's mouth. I stifled a laugh. "No. Linky, she is strong enough. You may not succeed unless you have a partner. They always have a partner in the stories! Maybe that's why you failed before!"

Failed? What? I just assumed Purah wanted me to run and get her food or supplies but this sounded like much more than that.

I looked between them curiously. They were having some sort of silent exchange. "What's going on? Purah? Link?"

They both turned to me and before Link could say anything, Purah spoke first. "Listen, (Y/n), this is very important. I have a task for you, and I feel like you will be very interested in it. I think you will enjoy it."

"Okay, what?" I asked her.

Link shoved Purah's hand off his mouth. "No. This isn't up for debate. Purah, drop it. It's just a theory—nothing more. I'm leaving now."

Purah narrowed her eyes. I knew that look. It was her "I am Getting my Way Whether You Like it or Not" look. In a deadly quiet voice, she said, "Symin. Get the doors. Now."

As Purah tells me on almost a daily basis, oh snap. Bringing Symin into this. With one push of a button and not even stepping a foot away from the bookshelves, I heard the doors lock with a satisfying click.

But I didn't like the feeling of being trapped. Sure, I was used to it. I'd spent sixteen years trapped in this village, but at least I could see the sky and the forest and know there was more out there. Now, all I had was a claustrophobic view of wooden ceilings and haphazardly placed papers. "Purah, tell me what's going on. Now."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Link slump to the floor in defeat.

Purah giggled and clapped her hands gleefully. "Sit! Sit!" When she saw I was sitting, she plowed ahead. "Okay, buckle up, buttercup! So, you know how I believe the calamity isn't over yet?" I nodded. "Well, it isn't! Linky here finally woke up from his nappy nap and he's ready to go! He's been sleeping for a looong time! And you, darling (Y/n), must come with him now that he's awake!"

"What? Purah, you're not making sense. Again. How does Link having a long nap, having anything at all to do with the calamity?"

"Well. Linky was sleeping for a hundred years! I said it was a long time!" She giggled. "But he's back and ready to fight Ganon once more. He wants to end this, (Y/n)! He failed before, but with you, you as his version of Navi, his helper and partner, he will succeed! I know it! I've know it since you first walked into here all curious and stuff and couple years ago! This is your role,
(Y/n). I know it."

My mind was reeling at this information. This can't be possible. This isn't possible. Hylians don't live for that long. The oldest Hylian recorded was a hundred and seven! And how can you just fall asleep and not age?

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